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The farmers also want to use the water to irrigate the (barren) land.A.emptyB.hairlessC.ba

The farmers also want to use the water to irrigate the (barren) land.





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14 The farmers also want to use the water to irrigate the barren land.A emptyB hairlessC s

14 The farmers also want to use the water to irrigate the barren land.

A empty

B hairless

C smooth

D bare

5:Farmers should not be blamed for the rise because______.A.they produce the vegetables an

5:Farmers should not be blamed for the rise because______.

A.they produce the vegetables and other things

B.they get only a small share in the profit

C.they work very hard

D.their cost of living has also risen

Farmers should not be blamed for the rise because______.A.they produce the vegetables and

Farmers should not be blamed for the rise because______.

A.they produce the vegetables and other things

B.they get only a small share in the profit

C.they work very hard

D.their cost of living has also risen

听力原文:Experts say some fanning activities are seriously damaging Earth's environment. B

听力原文: Experts say some fanning activities are seriously damaging Earth's environment. Bad farming methods can damage soil, forests and water supplies. They also have caused some plants and animals to disappear.

Two groups now say that bad farming methods are threatening the ability of farmers to produce enough food to feed the world population in the future.

The groups used satellite images, maps and modern equipment to study the effect of agriculture on the environment.

The study found that the destruction of soil is widespread, Important organic nutrients are being removed from farmland.

Agriculture uses 70 percent of the freshwater in the world each year. The study found that many farmers are wasting water supplies. In addition, chemicals designed to protect crops may pollute waterways.

The report also says as much as 30 percent of the world's forests have been cut down so the land could be used for agriculture. This has led to a severe loss of wildlife and their environments.



B.Human population.



听力原文:Not only farmers but also scientists have studied weather forecasting. People for

听力原文: Not only farmers but also scientists have studied weather forecasting. People for many centuries and in all countries have studied the weather and tried to make weather forecast. Sometimes distant objects such as hills and tall trees seem to be very clear and near. This is a sign of much water in the air, and therefore rain will probably come. When distant sounds, such as noise from a train, birds singing, people shouting, are very clearly heard, then wet and stormy weather is on the way. (30)Some birds, particularly swallows, fly high if fine weather is coming, but they fly very near the ground if rainy weather or a storm is on the way. This is because probably the insects, which they are hunting, then fly low. (31)If you see a rainbow during rainy weather, this is a sign that the weather will clear up and become fine. Such rainbows always come in the evening. If the stars twinkle-clearly at night, then fair weather will continue. If a mist appears in the early morning, just about sunrise, then the day will be warm. If the sunset is mostly red in color, then the following day will be fine. When big clouds disappear at sunset, then the weather will follow on the next day. (32)If a rainbow appears in the morning, then rainy weather will probably come. Most of the above sayings have been made up by people who have used their eyes and their brains to forecast the weather.


A.Because both farmers and scientists try to make weather forecast.

B.Because people in all countries make weather forecast.

C.Because it is easy to make weather forecast.

D.Because he wants to make it clear how important to make weather forecast.

回答题Why Buy Shade-Grown Coffee?When people argue about whether coffee is good for health


Why Buy Shade-Grown Coffee?

When people argue about whether coffee is good for health, they"re usually thinking of the health of the coffee drinker. Is it food for your heart? Does it increase blood pressure? Does it help you concentrate? However, coffee affects the health of the human population in other ways, too.Traditionally, coffee bushes were planted under the canopy(树冠)of taller indigenous(土生土长的)trees. However, more and more farmers in Latin America are deforesting the land to grow full-sun coffees. At first, this increases production because more coffee bushes can be planted if there aren"t any trees. With increased production come increased profits.

Unfortunately, deforesting for coffee production immediately decreases local wildlife habitat. Native birds nest and hide from predators(捕食者)in the tall trees and migrating birds rest there.

Furthermore, in the long term, the full-sun method also damages the ecosystem because more chemical fertilizers and pesticides are needed to grow the coffee. The fertilizers and pesticides kill insects that eat coffee plant, but then the birds eat the poisoned insects and also die. The chemicals kill or sicken other animals as well, and can even enter the water that people will eventually drink.

Fortunately, farmers in Central and South America are beginning to grow more coffee bushes in the shade. We can support these farmers by buying coffee with such labels as "shade grown" and "bird friendly." Sure, these varieties might cost a little more. But we"re paying for the health of the birds, the land, ourselves, and the planet. I think it"s worth it.

What is the main idea of this passage? 查看材料

A.Farmers are changing the way they grow coffee.

B.Coffee is becoming more expensive to produce.

C.Shade-grow coffee is more expensive than sun-grow coffee

D.People should buy shade-grown coffee.

听力原文:The British government says it will decide within two days if it will start an an

听力原文: The British government says it will decide within two days if it will start an animal treatment program to halt the spread of foot-and-mouth disease. Britain's National Farmers' Union has requested a quick decision. On Wednesday animal experts in the European Union gave Britain the choice to start a treatment program. 180,000 farm animals in the Cumbria and Devon areas would receive the treatment. Also in Moscow E. U. officials have protested Russia's ban on European meat imports. They say the 3-week ban is too strong because of measures the E. U. has now taken to control the disease.

Q: How long is the Russia's ban on European meat imports?


A.2 weeks.

B.4 weeks.

C.3 weeks.

根据下面短文内容,回答题。 Why Buy Shade-Grown Coffee?When people argue about whether cof


Why Buy Shade-Grown Coffee?

When people argue about whether coffee is good for health, they&39;re usually thinking of the health of the coffee drinker. Is it food for your heart? Does it increase blood pressure? Does it help you concentrate? However, coffee affects the health of the human population in other ways, too.

Traditionally, coffee bushes were planted under the canopy (树冠) of taller indigenous (土生土长的 ) trees. However, more and more farmers in Latin America are deforesting the land to grow full-sun coffees. At first, this increases production because more coffee bushes can be planted if there aren&39;t any trees. With increased production come increased profits.

Unfortunately, deforesting for coffee production immediately decreases local-wildlife habitat.Native birds nest and hide from predators (捕食者 ) in the tall trees and migrating birds rest there.

Furthermore, in the long term, the full-sun method also damages the ecosystem because more chemical fertilizers and pesticides are needed to grow the coffee. The fertilizers and pesticides kill insects that eat coffee plant, but then the birds eat the poisoned insects and also die. The chemicals kill or sicken other animals as well, and can even enter the water that people will eventually drink.

Fortunately, farmers in Central and South America are beginning to grow more coffee bushes in the shade. We can support these farmers by buying coffee with such labels as "shade grown" and"bird friendly."Sure, these varieties might cost a little more. But we&39;re paying for the health of the birds, the land, ourselves, and the planet. I think it&39;s worth it.

What is the main idea of this passage? 查看材料

A.Farmers are changing the way they grow coffee

B.Coffee is becoming more expensive to produce

C.Shade-grow coffee is more expensive than sun-grow coffee

D.People should buy shade-grown coffee

In the 1920s demand for American farm products feel, as European countries began to recove
r from World War I and instituted austerity (紧缩)programs to reduce their imports. The result was a sharp drop in farm prices. This period was more disastrous for farmers than earlier times had been, because farmers were no longer self-sufficient. They were paying for machinery, see, and fertilizer, and they were also buying consumer goods. The prices of. the items farmers bought remained constant, while prices they received for their products fell. These developments were made worse by the Great Depression which began in 1929 and extended throughout the 1930s.

In 1929, under President Herbert Hoover, the Federal Farm Board was organized. It established the principle of direct interference with supply and demand, and it represented the first national commitment to provide greater economic stability for farmers.

President Hoover' s successor attached even more importance to this problem. One of the first measures proposed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt when the took office in 1933 was the Agricultural Adjustment Act, which was subsequently passed by Congress. This law gave the Secretary of Agriculture the power to reduce production through voluntary agreements with famers who were paid to take their land out of use. A deliberate scarcity of farm products was planned in an effort to raise prices. This law was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court on the grounds that general taxes were being collected to pay one special group of people. However, new laws were passed immediately that achieved the same result of resting soil and providing flood-control measures, but which were based on the principle of soil conservation. The Roosevelt Administration believed Administration believed that rebuilding the nation' s soil was in the national interest and was not simply a plan to help farmers at the expense of other citizens. Later the government guaranteed loans to farmers so that they could buy farm machinery, hybrid (杂交)grain, and fertilizers.

What brought about the decline in the demand for American farm products?

A.The impact of the Great Depression.

B.The shrinking of overseas markets.

C.The destruction caused by the First World War.

D.The increased exports of European countries.

Foxes and farmers have never got on well. These small doglike animals have long been accus
ed of killing farm animals. They are officially classified as harmful and farmers try to keep their numbers down by shooting or poisoning them.

Farmers can also call on the services of their local hunt to control the fox population. Hunting consists of pursuing a fox across the countryside, with a group of specially trained dogs, followed by men and women riding horses. When the dogs eventually catch the fox they kill it or a hunter shoots it.

People who take part in hunting think of it as a sport; they wear a special uniform. of red coats and white trousers, and follow strict codes of behavior. But owning a horse and hunting regularly is expensive, so most hunters are wealthy.

It is estimated that up to 100,000 people watch or take part in fox hunting. But over the last couple of decades the number of people opposed to fox hunting, because they think it is brutal (残酷的), has risen sharply. Nowadays it is rare for a hunt to pass off without some kind of confrontation (冲突) between hunters and hunt saboteurs (阻拦者). Sometimes these incidents lead to violence, but mostly saboteurs interfere with the hunt by misleading riders and disturbing the trail of the fox's smell, which the dogs follow.

Noisy confrontations between hunters and saboteurs have be come so common that they are almost as much a part of hunting as the pursuit of foxes itself. But this year supporters of fox hunting face a much bigger threat to their sport. A Labour Party Member of the Parliament, Mike Foster, is trying to get Parliament to approve a new law which will make the hunting of wild animals with dogs illegal. If the law is passed, wild animals like foxes will be protected under the ban in Britain.

Rich people in Britain have been hunting foxes ______.

A.for recreation

B.to limit the fox population

C.in the interests of the farmers

D.to show of their wealth

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