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The little gift grasped her mother's arm as she crossed the street.A.understoodB.had a hol

The little gift grasped her mother's arm as she crossed the street.


B.had a hold over

C.took hold of

D.left hold of

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更多“The little gift grasped her mo…”相关的问题
Why did Peter feel that he had seen the little gift's sister when she came in?A.She and th

Why did Peter feel that he had seen the little gift's sister when she came in?

A.She and the little girl looked very much alike.

B.She looked very much alike with Peter's lost girlfriend.

C.Her hairs and eyes were of the same color with those of the little girl's.

D.Her hairs and eyes were of the same color with those of Peter's lost girlfriend's.

听录音,回答题 It is always a tough task to decide on the perfect gift for your perfect mor


It is always a tough task to decide on the perfect gift for your perfect morn on a Mother"s Day.To offer(26)to your problem here are some unique and special gift ideas for mother.Remember than your mother is always going to(27)your feelings behind the gift you buy.So even if you are a bit incorrect in your choice, she will always(28)the gift from someone whom she loves the most.

However, a little thought while purchasing gift might make her day more(29 )You may also order online Mother"s Day gift on various shopping sites.This way you may(30)a range of gift items and decide on the most suitable and special Mother"s Day present for your loving mom.Most morns(31)jewelry so you cannot go wrong if you decide to get a piece of jewelry as aMother"s Day gift.On Mother"s Day, ring and necklace go as perfect gifts.You may go in for a piece of fashion jewelry which is trendy, comes in(32)style. and is easy on pockets.Pearl sets are a favouriteof most mom"s.But to come to a right decision, you must(33)her a little before the Mother"s Day.Engage her in a little discussion on jewelry and she will tell you what is going to be the next item in her collection.Delight her by making her wish(34)sooner than she expected.

Flowers are a wonderful way of expressing your love and(35)to your mother on the special occasion of Mother"s Day.Carnations are the traditional flowers for the occasion.But you may say thankyou to your dear Morn with a bouquet of her favourite flowers.

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Letter ADear Etty Kit,My roommate's family wants me to have Thanksgiving dinner with them

Letter A

Dear Etty Kit,

My roommate's family wants me to have Thanksgiving dinner with them in their home. I accepted the invitation, and I'm excited about going, but I'm a little worried about it, too. The social customs in my country are very different from here, so I'm a little afraid of making mistakes.

Should I bring a gift, such as candy(糖果) or flowers? Should I arrive on time or a little late? At the dinner table, how can I know which fork or knife to use? How can I let the family know that I'm thankful for their kindness?

Yours sincerely,


Letter B

Dear Confused,

It's a good idea to bring a small gift when you go to a dinner party. Flowers are always nice, or you might bring a bottle of wine if you know that the family drinks it.

You should arrive on time or five to ten minutes late. Don't get there early. If you are going to be more than fifteen minutes late, you should call and tell them.

Try to be free at the dinner table. If you don't know about choosing the correct fork, knife, or spoon ,just watch the other people ,and follow them. If you still have no idea of what to do, don't be shy about asking the person next to you. It's better to ask than to be quietly uncomfortable and nervous.

If you like the food, say so. Of course, you'll thank the host and hostess for the meal and for their kindness. It's also a good idea to send a card or thank-you note the day after.


Etty Kit

According to these two letters, which of the following statements is true?

A.Confused was glad to visit his roommate's house.

B.Confused was a little worried because he had no money for presents.

C.Confused should arrive at his roommate's house as late as possible.

D.Confused should eat the food up even if he didn't like the food.

听力原文:Mrs Ruth Li, a Chinese woman, was living in Hong Kong with her baby gift when the

听力原文: Mrs Ruth Li, a Chinese woman, was living in Hong Kong with her baby gift when the Japanese attacked Hong Kong. But their ship sank. during their voyage when they left Hong Kong. Mrs Li placed her six-year-old daughter on a bit of floating wood. Later the mother was rescued, but her little girl could not be found.

Many months later, four thousand miles away, a group of American soldiers found a Chinese girl who was half dead. No one could tell how she had got there. She refused to talk or give her name after she recovered.

When the New York Times told about the finding of the girl, Mrs Li's sister, then in New York, read the news and wrote to her sister about it. Could the girl be the lost child of Mrs Ruth Li? The mother made the long voyage to find out. The girl was indeed her own daughter.

Who was first rescued from the sea?

A.Mrs Ruth Li.

B.Mrs Li's sister.

C.Mrs Li's daughter.






听力原文:M: Hi, Shelly! How was your vacation?W: Great! I went to New Orleans.M: Really? W

听力原文:M: Hi, Shelly! How was your vacation?

W: Great! I went to New Orleans.

M: Really? Why did you decide to go there?

W: Well, I have a cousin who lives there. She's been trying to get me to take a vacation down there for a long time, and so finally, she talked me into it.

M: How did you get there?

W: Well, at first 1 was going to drive, but my cousin said parking is a big problem there, so I flew. Once I was there, I took buses and taxis.

M: I've seen some pictures of New Orleans--the architecture there is really interesting, isn't it?

W: Yeah, it's incredible, especially in the French Quarter and in the Garden District where my cousin lives. And I love the spicy food there, and the music, of course. My cousin took me to some great little restaurants and jazz clubs.

M: How was the weather when you were there?

W: That's the only thing I didn't enjoy. It was really hot and sticky.

M: Wasn't New Orleans originally a French city?

W: Yes, the French founded it. And then the king of France gave it to the king of Spain, and later the French took it over again. And then the French sold it to the United States along with the rest of the Louisiana Purchase.

M: I remember reading in a history book about the battle of New Orleans. That was during the War of 1812, wasn't it?

W: Right. The Americans under Andrew Jackson fought a battle with the British near there. In fact, Jackson Square in the French Quarter is named after him.

M: Well, it sure sounds like you had a great time.

W: Oh, I sure did. And I plan to go back there next spring for my birthday.


A.A vacation the woman took.

B.French influence in New Orleans.

C.New Orleans' Mardi Gras Festival.

D.A business trip.

Which of the following statements about fellows is NOT true?A.Fellows can walk on the gras

Which of the following statements about fellows is NOT true?

A.Fellows can walk on the grass.

B.Fellows are the directors of a company.

C.Fellows are permanently attached to the college.






Adopt-A-Book at Leeds University Library Is there a book that means a lot to you? A book t

Adopt-A-Book at Leeds University Library

Is there a book that means a lot to you? A book that has encouraged you? A book that is of great value in the history of a subject you care about? A book with some personal importance to you? A work by Shakespeare, Isaac Newton, Tolkien—or something only you would think of ?

If there is, there may well be a copy in Leeds University Library's Special Collections, and from as little as £25 you can Adopt-A-Book at Leeds. We will place a bookplate in the book recording your support for the Library. You can also adopt a book as a gift for someone else—perhaps to celebrate a special event, like a birthday or wedding.

Please help us to protect our rare (珍稀的) books and keep them safe for present and future users. Our copies of many of the most important works ever printed are kept in safe conditions and the collections are well known worldwide. They are consulted (参阅) by thousands of students and researchers visiting from all over the world, and you may have worked with the valuable works yourself during your studies. When you adopt a healthy book, you help us to revive (使复苏) another that's not so fit!

The writer uses questions at the beginning ______.

A.to show the value of works by Shakespeare, Newton and Tolkien

B.to show the popularity of the library with students and teachers

C.to draw readers' attention to the low price for adopting a book

D.to draw readers' attention to the Adopt-A-Book program.

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