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Each side ______ its own position on this question.

A.stuck to

B.persisted of


D.insisted in

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更多“Each side ______ its own posit…”相关的问题
Apart from the budget office and other disinterested parties that study the law, each side in the debate uses research sponsored by interest groups, often ______, to support its case.





According to the author, the city should______.A.insist its plan to build trash stations

According to the author, the city should______.

A.insist its plan to build trash stations in each district

B.establish new high-tech, low-smell facilities

C.build stations only in low-income communities

D.reach an agreement with the Upper East Side of Manhattan

According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?A.Vietnam War is the military

According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

A.Vietnam War is the military struggle fought in Vietnam from 1959 to 1975, involving the North Vietnamese in conflict with the United States forces and the South Vietnamese army.

B.In 1965 the United States got involved in the war in order to prevent the South Vietnamese government from collapsing.

C.During the conflict, approximately 1.5 to 2 million Vietnamese on each side were killed and more than 58,000 Americans lost their lives.

D.The U.S. government supported the South Vietnamese government and its policies led to rebellion in the North.

?Read the article below about how to read a balance sheet.?Choose the best word from A, B,

?Read the article below about how to read a balance sheet.

?Choose the best word from A, B, C or D to fill each gap.

?For each question 21-30 mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.


A balance sheet is not like a Profit and Loss ac- count, which is a record of the activity transacted in a year and the profits (or losses) produced as a result. A balance sheet can be (21) of as a photograph, a moment (22) time, (usually the last day of the company's financial year), which shows exactly what the business owns. These may be buildings, cash, stocks or debts, i.e. amounts of money (23) to the business by customers.

A balance sheet may change from one Year to the next if, for example, a company sells one of its factories, if it (24) more money from its shareholders, if it repays some debt to the bank, or if it builds up its inventory of (25) goods.

But whatever happens to the composition of the assets of the business, any overall change in as- set (26) is reflected in me balance sheet. There is one further (27) to be made. Although the principle of a balance sheet is to have assets on one side and liabilities on the other, the fact is that-especially for public companies-shareholders want to be able to see What their (28) in the company is worth.

So a tradition bas (29) up which has meant that 'Creditors' is actually moved to the assets side as a negative amount. Structuring the balance sheet like this is simply a matter of (30) There is no commercial reason for presenting it in this way.






Questions 下列各are based on the following passage. In his first term. Mayor Michael Bloo
mberg mapped out a fair plan to get rid of 11,000 tons of New York City garbage every day. The complex proposal was designed to make each district take care of its own trash. It was also supposed to help limit noisy garbage trucks going long distances through, the city to reach marine barges (驳船), railways or out-of-state trash facilities. Nobody wanted these new garbage transfer stations in their neighborhood, even with promises of new high-tech, low-smell facilities. There are already stations in Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx and Staten Island, most of them in lower-income commtmities. Only one area of the city--the Upper East Side of Manhattan--has refused to accept a trash facility. The city should not give in to local resistance. It is time for residents in that neighborhood to accept a share of the citys garbage problem. The city should build a modern, environmentally sound facility at 91st Street to transfer trash from Manhattan to barges on the East River. That trash, estimated at up to 1,800 tons a day, would then go by barge to other states. Deputy Mayor Cas Hoiloway said last week that the city has had to fight off "lawsuit after lawsuit" with "every useless argument under the sun" from those opposing the 91st Street facility. Those delays have helped push the cost for building the station from $125 million in 2006 to about $ 226 million now. An earlier trash station at that site, which was closed in 1999, was badly designed so that trucks idled along York Avenue. The new facility, Mr. Holloway said, has been designed to reduce the congestion problem with longer ramps (匝道) leading to the facility, which sits on the eastern side of Franklin D. Roosevelt Drive. The plans also call for higher noise-blocking walls along the ramps. This terminal is an essential part of the citys 20-year waste management plan. John Doherty, the sanitation (环境卫生) commissioner, told critics at a hearing last week, "We will not entertain any changes to what is a fair and thoughtful, district-based approach that was founded on the principles of environmental equity for all New Yorkers." Environmental equity, in this case, means that the Upper East Side of Manhattan has to do its part. The plan worked out by Mayor Michael Bloomberg will______.

A.make garbage trucks no longer necessary

B.need more out-of-state trash facilities

C.reduce the amount of trash in the city

D.make each district deal with its own trash

Its an odd paradox: thanks to cell phones, PDAs and the Internet, weve never before been i
n touch and within reach of so many people. And yet, weve never been so lonely, either. Which is to say, our loneliness is largely something weve inflicted on ourselves through countless lifestyle. choices, many of them good, some even critical. But in the end, is it all worth it? What is lost when we have e-mail pals on the other side of the world, but dont know our own neighbors? Are bigger salaries, bigger cars, bigger homes worth the price of smaller social circles and diminished relationships? Our loneliness has costs: crime goes up when neighbors dont look out for each other. The burden on public services increases when were not helping each other out. And the din of an iPod is no substitute for genuine connection with another human being. Theres no easy way out of our collective loneliness, and no solutions that come without trade-offs. But some of those trade-offs are worth reconsidering, lest we consume our lives with the things that matter least, at the expense of those that matter most.

Those out to demolish old buildings often argue that a factory will bring prosperity to a
town and pr【66】employment for its people; a block of fiats will improve living conditions; a new road will create better transport f【67】These arguments are true, but somehow unconvincing. Countless quiet country villages have been【68】(spoil) by the addition of modern "improvements" like huge traffic-signs or tall concrete lamps which s【69】a sickly yellow light. In the same way, buildings which are er【70】without any thought being given to their surroundings, become prominent landmarks which may change the character of whole town. They are ugly because they are so out of【71】

Nothing can more seriously change the look of a town or city so dramatically than the sudden appearance of an office building which t【72】above all the surrounding buildings. Before the arrival of this skyscraper, all the buildings in the city stood in special relationship to each other. The most str【73】of them was probably the cathedral or the town hall f【74】by other public buildings. These dominated the city and gave it a definite shape. Suddenly, out of nowhere, the new arrival dwarfs (使显得矮小) everything in sight, and even the most【75】(grace) existing buildings may now be so sadly di【76】as to seem slightly ridiculous beside this monster. It rises up above them like a huge, white, slotted (开门的) packing-case resting【77】its side, demanding at【78】merely because of its size and not because of any intrinsic (内在的) worth.

Part of the charm of a big city l【79】in the variety of styles that can be seen in the architecture of its buildings. One feels that the city has grown slowly and each age has left its mark. By demolishing buildings of f【80】times, we wipe out every vestige of the past forever.


听力原文: There was a gardener who looked after his garden with great care. To water hi
s flowers, he used two buckets. One was a shiny and new bucket. The other was a very old and worn-out one, which had seen many years of service, but was now past its best. Every morning, the gardener would fill up the two buckets. Then he would carry them along the path, one on each side, to the flowerbeds. The new bucket was very proud of itself. It could carry a full bucket of water without a single drop spilled. The old bucket felt very ashamed because of its holes: before it reached the flowerbeds, much water had leaked along the path. Sometimes the new bucket would say, "See how capable I am! How good it is that the gardener has me to water the flowers every day! I dont know why he still bothers with you. What a waste of space you are!" And all that the old bucket could say was, "I know I am not very useful, but I can only do my best. I am happy that the gardener still finds a little bit of use in me, at least." One day, the gardener heard that kind of conversation. After watering the flowers as usual, he said, "You both have done your work very well. Now I am going to carry you back. I want you to look carefully along the path." Then the two buckets did so. All along the path, they noticed, on the side where the new bucket was carried, there was just bare earth; on the other side where the old bucket was carried, there was a joyous row of wild flowers, leading all the way to the garden. Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard. 19. What was the old bucket ashamed of? 20. What was the new buckets main purpose of making conversations with the old one? 21. Why was the old bucket still kept by the gardener?20.

A.To laugh at the old one.

B.To take pity on the old one.

C.To show off its beautiful looks.

D.To praise the gardener"s kindness.

Some people describe American society as a salad bowl while others see it as a melting pot
. In a sense, both are correct depending upon one's point of view. In a bowl of freshly tossed salad, all the ingredients are mixed together. Yet they never lose their shape, form. or identity. Together, however, the ingredients make up a unity. In a sense, all the ingredients of a salad contribute to the finished product. They may be covered with the same dressing, but the green vegetables, tomatoes, lettuce and eggs can all be seen for what they are.

From this point of view, America is very much like a salad bowl where individual ethnic groups blend together, yet maintain their cultural uniqueness. They may work together during the day at similar jobs and in identical companies, but at night they may return to their ethnic communities where the flavor of their individual culture dominates their way of life. This is why perhaps there is so much diversity within America. Each ethnic group has its own special interests, language, food, customs and traditions to protect and defend. This idea of the salad bowl is referred to by sociologists as cultural pluralism. It simply means that American society is a collection of many cultures living side by side within one country.

The other concept which is also used to describe American society is that of the melting pot. In this usage, society is like a pot of stew (炖菜) or a cauldron (大锅) of porridge. All of the ingredients mix and blend together losing their identity and yield a bit of what they were to become a new reality. A pot of stew is very different from a bowl of salad. Within the stew, the meat and vegetables in the cooking process give to each other a bit of their own flavor. The longer the stew is allowed to simmer (炖), the better the taste and the more likely it will be for the mixture to dissolve.

In this sense, America can surely be seen as a melting pot where people from all over the world come to live and work together forming one nation. Whether a salad bowl or a melting pot, America can best be described as a mixture of both; that is to say, a nation where there is unity in diversity.

Why does someone see America as a salad bowl?

A.The Americans work together during the day and night.

B.Each ethnic group has its unique culture.

C.There is no culture diversity in America.

D.America society is a unity with one culture.

Although photography (the Greek word for "writing withlight") and Filmmaking are now so mu

Although photography (the Greek word for "writing with

light") and Filmmaking are now so much a part of our visual world

that we take them for granted, they are relative recent inventions. 【1】______

From the time of the Renaissance, many artists had used the

CAMERA OBSCURA draw forms and linear perspective accurately. 【2】______

A camera obscura was a dark room or box With light entering in a 【3】______

tiny hole, perhaps focused on by a lens. An inverted image from the 【4】______

world beyond would be thrown on the opposite wall or side, and its

outlines could be traced on paper. But it was until the first half of【5】______

the nineteenth century that several researchers working independent 【6】______

of each other found ways to capture this image permanently.

Late in the nineteenth century, sequences of still pictures began【7】______

to lead to “movies.” In the mid-twentieth century, the technology 【8】______

of capturing moving images from the world had evolved wireless 【9】______

television broadcasts. And now computer video graphics have opened

up vast new range of possibilities that may or may not originate in 【10】______

the world that we see.


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