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听力原文:Royal Victoria Hotel is situated in the principal and the most central street in

New York City, and is within a few minutes' walk of the post office, banks, telegraph offices, and other public buildings. A News Room is attached to this Hotel, where European telegrams are received. It contains 150 Bedrooms, 10 Suits of Apartments, a Drawing Room for Ladies and a Coffee and Commercial Room on the ground floor, two Billiard Rooms, a Smoking Room, Bath Rooms and etc. Visitors would do well to drop a line before coming, to secure good and comfortable rooms.

Where is Royal Victoria Hotel located?

A.In the center of New York

B.On the coast of New York City

C.In a big city near New York

D.In a countryside outside of New York

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更多“听力原文:Royal Victoria Hotel is s…”相关的问题
听力原文:W:Excuses me! Do you think you can get me to Victoria Hotel by half past six?M:No

听力原文:W:Excuses me! Do you think you can get me to Victoria Hotel by half past six?

M:Normally speaking we will be Ok if the lights are with us. And even you may have five minutes to spare.

Q:What does the man mean?


A.It is far away from here.

B.They can not arrive there by that time.

C.The time is quite enough to be there.

D.He can not calculate the time.

听力原文:How much money will it cost to restore the Royal Bank?(A) 5 kilometers. (B) 5 mil

听力原文:How much money will it cost to restore the Royal Bank?

(A) 5 kilometers.

(B) 5 million dollars.

(C) 5 thousand miles.





听力原文:Hi, Ms. Roberts. This is William from the Victoria Theater. I wanted to give you

听力原文: Hi, Ms. Roberts. This is William from the Victoria Theater. I wanted to give you an update on your group reservation. I've booked forty tickets for your group to see the musical Running Away next Thursday. As we discussed, you've received a 25 percent discount because of the size of your group. You will find the seat number at the bottom of each ticket. They're very good seats—in the center, close to the stage. Now, as part of our special group promotion, as I explained, all of you will be able to meet the actors after the show to ask questions and get autographs. Just remember that these seats cannot be changed, and the tickets cannot be returned.

Why has the price of the tickets been reduced?

A.They are for an afternoon performance.

B.They are for a large group.

C.They are for seats at the rear of the theater.

D.They are for a performance today.

听力原文:Three. Why will drivers have problems this morning?Man: And on to this morning's

听力原文:Three. Why will drivers have problems this morning?

Man: And on to this morning's local traffic news. Driving conditions have improved now that the early morning fog has gone. Rain is forecast for tonight but it will be fine during the day. The police have warned drivers to expect delays coming into town because of repairs to Victoria Bridge and advise lorries to find another route if possible.

Why will drivers have problems this morning?

听力原文:Three. Why will drivers have problems this mo




听力原文:W: I'd love to see a different type of movie for a change. I'm tired of movies ab
out romantic stories.

M: I agree. Let's go and see a new movie at the Royal Theatre. I heard it's a real story of two prison breakers.

Q: What kind of movie does the woman find boring?


A.Detective stories.

B.Stories about jail escapes.

C.Love stories.

D.Stories about royal families.

听力原文:Born in Bradford, Appleton initially showed little more than a passion for music
and cricket. However, aged 18 he won a scholarship to Cambridge, where in 1913 he received a first-class degree in natural sciences. The outbreak of war in August 1914 saw him join the Royal Engineers; while there be was trained in Marconi's recent invention, radio technology.

According to the speaker, Appleton obtained a degree in natural sciences from Cambridge in 1913 and one year later joined the Royal Engineers where he was trained in radio technology invented by Marconi.



听力原文:It is my great honor to introduce to you tonight's guest speaker, Dr. Hugh MacLeo

听力原文: It is my great honor to introduce to you tonight's guest speaker, Dr. Hugh MacLeod. Dr. MacLeod is the founding chairman of the Canadian National Health Board, a position created by Parliament only one year ago. Prior to his government service, Dr. MacLeod was a longtime vice president for B-C Pharmaceuticals. In addition to serving on the Health Board, Dr. MacLeod is an associate professor of medicine at Royal Heights University, where he has been instrumental in developing the school's highly acclaimed Leadership and Health Studies Program. Dr. MacLeod's topic this evening is: Organizational Leadership and Health Care. Please join me in welcoming Dr. Hugh MacLeod.

Who is Dr. MacLeod?

A.A research scientist

B.A university president

C.The chairman of a government organization

D.The vice president of a pharmaceutical company

听力原文:This is Newton magazine and Review on radio FM 107. I am your host Scott Gormez.
On today's show we will be talking with Dr. Ellis Lee, professor of organic chemistry at Royal Science University. She is the winner of last year's Scientist award and coauthor of recently published book " Fuels of the Future". Dr. Lee has been studying the development of efficient and affordable types of fuels from non traditional sources. Today she will talk about her latest research and her current project with another agency on fuel efficiency.

Who is Ellis Lee?

A.A city planner

B.An editor

C.A new employee

D.A scientist

听力原文:PARIS--French voters chose Nicolas Sarkozy as their new president on Sunday, givi

听力原文: PARIS--French voters chose Nicolas Sarkozy as their new president on Sunday, giving the conservative a mandate for change. His Socialist opponent conceded minutes after polls closed.

With nearly 70 percent of ballots counted, Sarkozy had just over 53 percent of the vote, according to the Interior Ministry.

The results dashed Socialist Segolene Royal's hopes of being elected France's first woman president. The projections were based on vote counts from representative samples of hundreds of polling stations across the country.

"Universal suffrage has spoken. I wish the next president of the Republic the best in accomplishing his mission in the service of all the French people," Royal told supporters in Paris.

Washington can "count on our friendship," Sarkozy told hundreds of cheering supporters, though he added that "friendship means accepting that friends can have different opinions."

Sarkozy's election could help restart the process of finding a way forward on reviving the European Union constitution, which has been held up as Europe awaited the results of the French election.

In remarks just after his election, Sarkozy said: "France is back in Europe."

Nicolas Sarkozy ______.

A.was defeated by his socialist opponent

B.was elected as the new President of France

C.had more than 70 96 of the vote

D.announced after the election that France and the U.S. would share opinions.

听力原文:M: This is Victoria from corporate headquarter. I haven't received your last mont
h's expense reports yet, and they were due on Tuesday.

W: Actually they were sent to you on Monday with the company courier. You haven't received them yet?

M: No, and I will check with the courier's office. But meanwhile, could you send them again, just to ensure that I have them by this afternoon? I really appreciate it.

W: Sure, I'll try to get them on the 9 o'clock courier run.

Who most likely are the speakers?

A.The manager and his secretary

B.Close friends in the same apartment

C.Colleagues from the company

D.Customer and postman

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