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I find it annoying and funny when I think about how we use protective or decorative wrappi

ngs (装饰性包装) in this country.

When I come home from the supermarket and start to unpack, I am always shocked at the layers of wrappings we cover our food with.

There is hardly anything we buy that doesn't come in at least two wrappings, and then several of them are gathered by the shop assistant and put into a small bag. Then several of the small bags are grouped together and put into a big bag. If you have several big bags with small bags in them, they give you a cardboard box to put the packages-in-the-little-bags-in-the-big-bags in.

A lot of things we buy wouldn't really need any protective wrapping at all. The skin of an orange protects an orange pretty well for most of its natural life, but we aren't satisfied with what nature has given it. We wrap them in plastic or put them in a net bag, and then in a paper bag. The orange inside the skin, inside the plastic which is in the paper bag, must wonder where it is.

A box of biscuits often has waxed paper(蜡纸) next to the biscuits, a cardboard box holding the food and then a decorative wrapping around it.

A relative of ours bought a new sofa recently because she liked the fine leather (皮革) it was covered with. She liked it so much she didn't want it to get dirty, so she bought a cloth cover to put over it.

We may never again see the leather she's protecting.

According to the author, the use of protective wrappings______.

A.can be wasteful and unnecessary

B.makes everything look funny

C.gives people more work to do

D.is a practice against natural life

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BI find it annoying and funny when I think about how we use protective or decorative wrapp


I find it annoying and funny when I think about how we use protective or decorative wrappings ' (装饰性包装)in this country.

When I come home from the supermarket and start to unpack, I am always shocked at the lay-ers of wrappings we cover our food with.

There is hardly anything we buy that doesn ' t come in at least two wrappings, and then several of them are gathered by the shop assistant and put into a small bag. Then several of the small bags are grouped together and put into a big bag. If you have several big bags with small bags in them, they give you a cardboard box to put the packages-in-the-little-bags-in-the-big-bags in.

A lot of things we buy wouldn ' t really need any protective wrapping at all. The skin of an or-ange protects an orange pretty well for most of its natural life , but we aren ' t satisfied with what na-ture has given it. We wrap them in plastic or put them in a net bag, and then in a paper bag. The orange inside the skin, inside the plastic which is in the paper bag, must wonder where it is.

A box of biscuits often has waxed paper(蜡纸) next to the biscuits, a cardboard box holding the food and then a decorative wrapping around it.

A relative of ours bought a new sofa recently because she liked the fine leather (皮革)it was covered with. She liked it so much she didn ' t want it to get dirty, so she bought a cloth cover to put over it.

We may never again see the leather she' s protecting.

60. According to the author, the use of protective wrappings_______- .

[A] can be wasteful and unnecessary

[B] makes everything look funny

[C]gives people more work to do

[D] is a practice against natural life

听力原文:Imagine that someone in your neighbourhood broke the law, and the judge put the w

听力原文: Imagine that someone in your neighbourhood broke the law, and the judge put the whole neighbourhood under suspicion. How fair will that be? Well, it happens everyday to high schoolers. Just because some students have stolen things in shops, all of us are treated like thieves. Even though I'd never steal.

Store employees looked at me like I'm some kind of hardened criminal. For example, during one lunch period, my friend Denny and I went to the Graben Gore Restaurant to have a hot dog. We arrived to find a line of students waiting outside. A new sign in the window told the story."No More Than Two Students At A Time". After 15 minutes, we finally got in. But the store manager laid the evil eye on us. I asked him about the new sign, and he said, "You kids are stealing too much stuff. " You kids? Too much stuff? We were not only assumed to be thieves, but brilliant, greedy thieves. The most annoying thing though, is the way employees watched my friends and me. It's horrible.

Once, at a drug store, I was looking around and found a guy standing on a large box, stocking the shelves.He was watching my hands, more than he was watching his own. I showed him that my hands were empty. He got down off his box and rushed off, as if he was going to get the store manager. How crazy is that!


33. What does the speaker find to be unfair?

34. What measure did the Graben Gore Restaurant take to stop stealing?

35. What happened in a drug store that greatly annoyed the speaker?


A.Hardworking students being accused of cheating.

B.Boy students being often treated as law-breakers.

C.Innocent people being suspected groundlessly.

D.Junior employees being made to work overtime.

听力原文:W: You went to the Grand Concert Hall yesterday?M: Yes. It was really fantastic.W

听力原文:W: You went to the Grand Concert Hall yesterday?

M: Yes. It was really fantastic.

W: You are crazy about music, aren't you?

M: Yes, I am. It is always my favorite.

W: What type of music do you like most?

M: I enjoy listening to all kinds of music—classical, jazz, rock and roll...but my favorite is pop music.

W: I like pop music, too. But my favorite is still country music.

M: Country music? Then you must know John Denver and his songs.

W: That's right. I'm familiar with all his songs. I like "Country road takes me home" most. Unfortunately, my cassette-tape recorder broke down the other day.

M: Oh, have you thought of buying a new one? Or buying a CD player instead?

W: I've no idea. I don't know which I should choose.

M: A Walkman is easier to carry, but the quality of the sound is not as good as that of a CD player. A cassette often produces annoying "hiss" sounds while playing. This is the reason why I myself chose a CD.

W: I have a question. Nowadays, many digital products like MP3 and MP4 have appeared on the market. Will they replace CDs completely and make them outdated?

M: It is hard to say. You'd better find more information about all these products before making a final decision.



B.Pop music.

C.Classical music.

D.Country music.

听力原文:M: Pardon me, madam, but can you tell me where I can find the line for concert ti
ckets this Saturday?

W: It's here. I'm waiting and so are all these people in front of me.

M: I want to buy tickets, too, but I don't have much time. Have you been waiting long?

W: I've been here about one hour and so far I've moved a total of five feet in that time.

M: You're kidding!

W: I'm not. There was a young man waiting in front of me who got so frustrated that he finally gave up and got out of here. He said that he had been in line for over two hours.

M: Great. It shouldn't be taking so long. Do you know what's causing all of this?

W: I have no idea. Maybe they don't have enough people here to sell the tickets. I just hope that the concert hasn't been canceled.

M: I just hope there are still tickets by the time I get up to the counter.

W: It would be so annoying if that happened.

M: I wish I came here before lunch instead of now. I thought I had enough time to eat first. Has it been like this all day?

W: Apparently so. I originally wanted to call and do all of this over the phone, but they said they weren't taking phone orders.

M: There are three more hours until the ticket booth closes; I guess I better stay. Tickets to a good concert are worth the wait.


A.They are trying to call someone.

B.They are attending a concert.

C.They are waiting in line.

D.They are canceling reservations.

How annoying, I' ve left my wallet at home. A.hateful B.painful C.horrifying D

How annoying, I' ve left my wallet at home.





听力原文:W: I would appreciate it if you would turn the volume of your music player a litt
le lower in the evenings. It is really quite annoying, you know.

M: I'm so sorry that I didn't realize I was bothering anyone else. I can promise that it won't happen again.

Q: Why does the woman complain that the music is quite annoying?


A.Because the man's taste in music is bad.

B.Because the man plays the music at night.

C.Because the man plays annoying music.

D.Because the man plays the music at a high volume.

听力原文:Stress comes in all shapes and sizes, and has be come pervasive, it seems to pene

听力原文: Stress comes in all shapes and sizes, and has be come pervasive, it seems to penetrate everything and everybody. It's hard to get through a day without hearing or reading something about stress. Some doctors refer to stress as some kind of new plague. However, numerous surveys confirm that the problem has progressively risen since the 1980s. Why all the disorder? After all, stress, has been around since Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden. Stress is an unavoidable consequence of life. Without stress, there would be no life. However, just as distress can cause disease, there are good stresses that balance this, and promote wellness. Increased stress results in increased productivity--up to a point. However, this level differs for each of us. It's very much like the stress on a violin string. Not enough produces a dull, harsh sound. Too much makes sharp, annoying noise, or causes the string to snap. However, just the right degree can create magnificent tones. Similarly, We all need to find the proper level of stress that promotes optimal performance, and enables us to make harmonious music. Good health is more than just the absence of illness. Rather, it is a very robust state of physical and emotional well being that acknowledges the importance and inseparability of mind/body relation ships. In the next program, I hope you will join me in the pursuit of learning how to exploit stress, so that it can work for you, and make you more productive, rather than self-destructive.


A.The consequence of stress.

B.The negative effect of stress.

C.The realities of stress.

D.The positive effect of stress.

—Tom! What's that?—There two girls behind you. ______You’ve just noticed?—I don’t get why
anybody does that anymore. It’s so annoying!

A.They’ve been smoking like chimneys.

B.I can’t stand smoking here.

C.Many people around here are smoking.

D.The secondhand smoke is going to kill us.

听力原文:W: Grace is so annoying, though she doesn't mean to hurt anybody. She is always c
orrecting other peope.

She thinks she is a know-it-all.

M: I feel the same way. Though sometimes her comments are wise, they are hurtful.

Q: What does the man think of Grace?


A.Annoying and mean.

B.Kind and friendly.

C.Intelligent but mean.

D.Intelligent but annoying.

听力原文:W: We all have drawers full of snapshots but what are they? A piece of history, a
record of happy memories or a testament to the fact that the camera can indeed lie? Gerald is one of the editors of a book called The History of Domestic Photography. Gerald, as an art form, photography is really only just over a century old. How has it developed in domestic use?

M: Well, It's developed by being all of those things that you mentioned really. People are looking for pictures that will record their families and their homes and so the photographic technology has got closer and closer to the home—more and more informal. So if you look at the early pictures in people's albums—those taken when grandmother was a girl—in everybody's albums you'll find these very stiff, posed portraits, some of them studio portraits, and then you look at contemporary pictures today, you know, you find the family at play, you find snapshots which show children laughing, you find the holiday pictures, so it's changed over the years, become more relaxed, less of an ordeal.

W: Gerald, is there a conflict, as there is in other artistic areas, between the low art of the domestic photographer and the high art of the professional?

M: No, there's no conflict. I, as a professional photographer, don't take any family snaps because my children would never pose for me as a photographer at all. And if it hadn't been for my wife with her instamatic camera taking pictures, I wouldn't have any record at all of their younger years. I detect a sort of use now more by women using very easy-to-use, throw-away cameras almost, and certainly in my family it seems to be the women who are taking the pictures rather than the men.

W: As you say, all the photographic companies, all the Kodak ads are directed at women. You know the kind of thing, even a woman can do this very simple photography. Taking pictures couldn't be easier these days. What about these ones then that you've got here? You've actually brought pictures that your wife has taken.

M: Yes, these are not great photographs, but they are very important memories for me and they will be for my children—though they won't thank my wife for taking some of these poses. But it's interesting what you can do. The page here is a series of little cut-outs that my wife took. There are maybe twenty pictures here and they haven't all got great backgrounds. I mean, you were asking the difference between amateur and professional photography. Professional photography will have good backgrounds. Ruth would just go round and take pictures because they were good little fun moments and what she's done is cut out the best bits of it. She's got rid of, you know, the annoying chair in the background or whatever and just made one picture out of twenty bits of picture.

W: But they're all lovely, smiling, oh, not that you haven't got lovely, smiling children, but does the camera in a way tell us lies about ourselves?

M: You're right. People do play up to the camera and this is the greatest problem. Among this lot here, there aren't any pictures of children looking bad tempered. We do react to the camera. As soon as the camera comes out you sort of go into a pose, if you like. Probably that's their weakness really as family snaps.

W: Or is it weakness? Isn't that just what they are? I mean...

M: There's something missing. There's something missing from the family album. That is, anger, bad temper, you know the foul days, the sulks.

W: Thank you very much.


11.According to the interview, what is the big difference between pictures of old days and contemporary pictures?

12.What is the subject Gerald never photographs?

13.According to the interview, what do photographic companies want people to think about taking photos?

14.According to the interview, which of the following statements is NOT true about pictures taken by amateur photographers?

15.What does the interviewee mean by sug

A.Contemporary pictures focus more on domestic issues.

B.These days, having one's photograph taken is more informal.

C.In the old days, people only took pictures of their grandmothers.

D.The photographic technology is more advanced nowadays.

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