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•Head tile newspaper article below about new alliance in the packaging industry.R

•Head tile newspaper article below about new alliance in the packaging industry.

•Choose the best word to fill in each gap, from A, B or C.

•For each question (29-40), mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet.


The country's demand for telephones, mobile phones, faxes and the Internet is growing at an increasingly fast rate. In fact, it is growing (29) quickly that our telephone numbering system needs re-organizing (30) some major changes will have to (31) made.

These changes, (32) , will make the system simpler and easier to use. It is (33) an important task that all the UK phone companies are working together to make (34) changes. The changes will (35) only make hundreds of millions of new numbers, but they will (36) bring order and flexibility to the system for years to come.

(37) main changes are due to happen (38) now and the year 2006, which will give you (39) of time to prepare. You will find details of the number changes on our website, (40) you can visit any time at www. numberchange, org, or call our free phone helpline on 800—820—7713.





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更多“•Head tile newspaper art…”相关的问题
Who is Andrew Barnes?A.A newspaper reporter.B.The owner of the building.C.The head of the

Who is Andrew Barnes?

A.A newspaper reporter.

B.The owner of the building.

C.The head of the fire department.

Who is Andrew Bond?A.The newspaper reporter.B.The owner of the building.C.The head of the

Who is Andrew Bond?

A.The newspaper reporter.

B.The owner of the building.

C.The head of the fire department.

听力原文:W: I often read two newspapers. The Washington Post and. The Sun. What about you?

M: (22) I will buy the newspaper whose headlines catch my eyes in the front page. Do you buy the two newspapers everyday?

W: Yes, that way I'm sure not to miss any of my favorite sections. (23)Doesn't the tile size of tile daily paper surprise you?

M: (23)Yes, it certainly does. The newspaper staff—the reporters, writers, editors, and linotype operators—must be busy continuously. They need a large circulation to support such a staff, don't they?

W: I'm sure they do. Of course, much of a newspaper's income comes from advertisements.

M: That's true. I try to read the whole paper, don't you?

W: No. (24)I just read the parts that interest me. I glance at the headlines, but I read the sports page and the business

arefully. Do you read those?

M: No, but I do read the editorials aid the news section. You saw the article about tile earthquake in Japan, didn't you?

W: Yes. That was a terrible disaster. Do you think newspapers should print stories like that?

M: Certainly they should! They're part of the news of the day and people want to know about them. Don't you agree?

W: Yes, (25)I suppose disasters are news, too. It seems to me that newspapers would be more pleasant to read if they had a large society

nd more comic strips Don't you like to read articles about celebrations and happy events?

M: Yes, I enjoy reading them. But since you don't like to read unhappy news, why do you subscribe to two newspapers? If I were you, I wouldn't read a newspaper at all.


A.Newspaper of low price.

B.Newspaper with attractive headline.

C.Newspaper with sports page.

D.Newspaper with business section.

听力原文:Catherine Gram graduated from the University of Chicago in 1938 and got a job as

听力原文: Catherine Gram graduated from the University of Chicago in 1938 and got a job as a news reporter in San Francisco. Catherine's father used to be a successful investment banker. In 1933, he bought a failing newspaper, The Washington Post.

Then Catherine returned to Washington and got a job, editing letters in her father's newspaper. She married Philip Gram, who took over his father-in-law's position shortly after and became a publisher of The Washington Post. But for many years, her husband suffered from mental illness and he killed himself in 1963. After her husband's death, Catherine operated the newspaper. In the 1970s, the newspaper became famous around the world and Catherine was also recognized as an important leader in newspaper publishing. She was the first woman to head a major American publishing company, the Washington Post company. In a few years, she successfully expanded the company to include newspaper, magazine, broadcast and cable companies.

She died of head injuries after a fall when she was 84. More than 3 thousand people attended her funeral, including many government and business leaders. Her friends said she would be remembered as a woman who had an important influence on events in the United States and the world. Catherine once wrote, "The world without newspapers would not be the same kind of world." After her death, the employees of The Washington Post wrote, "The world without Catherine would not be the same at all."

What do we learn from the passage about Catherine's father?

A.He is a successful investment banker.

B.He sold his falling bank.

C.He worked in the falling bank.

D.He is good at editing.

听力原文:The first magazine was a little periodical called Tile Review and it was started

听力原文: The first magazine was a little periodical called Tile Review and it was started in London in 1704. It looked a lot like the newspaper of the time, but in terms of its content, it was much different. Newspapers were concerned mainly with news events, but The Review focused on important domestic issues of the day as well as the policies of the government.

In England at the time, people could still be thrown in jail for publishing articles that were critical of the King and that's exactly what happened to Daniel Defoe. He was the outspoken founder of The Review. Defoe actually wrote the first issue of The Review from prison. You see, he had been arrested because of his writings that criticized the policies of the Church of England which was headed by the King. After his release, Defoe continued to produce The Review and the magazine started to appear on a more frequent schedule, about 3 times a week.

It didn't take long for other magazines to start popping up. In 1709, a magazine called The Tattler began publication. This new magazine contained a mixture of news, poetry, political analysis and philosophical essays.


A.Its publication was banned by the British government.

B.It was the first weekly newspaper.

C.It caused a prison revolt.

D.It was the first magazine ever published.

Family relations have changed in recent years in China, as we have more and more one-child
families. The only child in the family becomes the center of attention and his wishes are always obeyed. The child has become the head of the family while the grandparents, the traditional heads of the family, are reduced to the bottom of the hierarchy.

There has been a discussion recently on this issue in a newspaper. Write an essay to the newspaper to ex- press your views.

Your argument should be based on and make full use of the outline below:

(1)Family planning is one of the basic policies of our country. Why?

(2)The current situation in Chinese families.

(3)Your suggestions and comment.

You should write 160~200 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.

听力原文:W: I often read two newspapers. Washington Post and The Sun. What about you?M:I w

听力原文:W: I often read two newspapers. Washington Post and The Sun. What about you?

M: I will buy the newspaper whose headlines catch my eyes in the front page. Do you buy the two newspapers everyday?

W: Yes, that way I'm sure not to miss any of my favorite sections. Doesn't the size of tile daily paper surprise you?

M: Yes, it certainly does. The newspaper staff—the reporters, writers, editors, and linotype operators—must be busy continuously. They need a large circulation to support such a staff, don't they?

W: I'm sure they do. Of course, much of a newspaper's income comes from advertisements.

M: That's true. I try to read the whole paper, don't you?

W: No. I just read the parts that interest me. I glance at the headlines, but I read the sports page and the business section carefully. Do you read those?

M: No, but I do read the editorials and the news section. You saw the article about the earthquake in Japan, didn't you?

W: Yes. That was a terrible disaster. Do you think newspapers should print stories like that?

M: Certainly they should! They're part of the news of the day and people want to know about them. Don't you agree?

W: Yes, I suppose disasters are news, too. It seems to me that newspapers would be more pleasant to read if they had a large society section and more comic strips. Don't you like to read articles about celebrations and happy events?

M: Yes, I enjoy reading them. But since you don't like to read unhappy news, why do you subscribe to two news papers? If I were you, I wouldn't read a newspaper at all.


A.Newspaper of low price.

B.Newspaper with attractive headline.

C.Newspaper with sports page.

D.Newspaper with business section.

In March of 1981, John Hinckley tried to murder United States President Ronald Reagan. Rea
gan was coming out of a hotel after making a speech when suddenly six loud shots rang out. One of the bullets entered the President's left lung. His security(安全)men sent him to the hospital where doctors operated on him for two hours. Reagan became well rapidly and was back in the White House after a few weeks.

The gunman was a young man from a well-to-do family. After the shooting, police searched his hotel room and found a letter. The letter was addressed to Jody Foster, a young film star. In the letter Hinckley explained that he wanted to shoot tile president in order to impress Miss Foster and to make her pay attention to him. The police later discovered that Hinckley had a history of the mind problems.

Hinckley was _______.

A.a skilled killer

B.a famous film star

C.not quite right in the head

D.a man who liked sports

听力原文:To wave goodbye or hello to someone, raise your hand and wave it from side to sid

听力原文: To wave goodbye or hello to someone, raise your hand and wave it from side to side, not front to back. Wave the whole hand, not just the fingers. Waving the hand front to back or the fingers up and down means "no", "stop", or "go away". Holding your hand up with the palm facing forward but no movement means "stop". Holding your hand with the palm toward your body and wagging the fingers toward the body means "come here", Holding your hand with the palm up with all fingers curled and repeated curling and uncurling the index finger means "come here".

If you want to point at an object, extend the index finger and use it to point at the object. It is not polite to point at people.

If you want tile waiter to bring tile check, make a writing gesture with one band as the pen and the other hand as the paper. If you just want the waiter to come, make eye contact and raise your band.

Shaking your head from side to side means no. Shaking your head up and down means yea. Never show your fist with the middle linger extended. This is an insult. Shaking a closed list at someone is also rude, especially if it is in their fane, and is an expression of anger.

Although showing your fist with the thumb up or your open hand with the tips of the thumb and index fingers together forming an "O" means "ok", this is an overused stereotype. Americans understand this gesture, but it is mainly used by actors in movies, not in real life.

It is nut polite to pick your nose or chew your fingernails in public. Likewise, it is net polite to pick your teeth (with or without a toothpick) in public.

In some circumstances a wink will signal amusement or that the speaker is kidding. Because of the potential for misinterpretation, winking shoed be avoided.


A.Waving the fingers up and down.

B.Holding your hand up with the palm facing forward but no movement.

C.Raising your hand and waving it front to back.

D.Raising your hand and waving it from side to side.

听力原文:During the early morning of February 24, George White was traveling on a country
road in Newberry when he fell asleep, ran off the road, and hit a tree head on. The accident was severe and he was unconscious. After 30 minutes or so, a newspaper carrier passed by. She noticed the crash and called 911. Before help arrived, this lady, a complete stranger, sat in her car beside George's vehicle, and called out to him repeatedly: "Help is on the way." She wanted to get out of her car and help him in some way, but she couldn't. She could only offer the comfort of her voice because she was handicapped and could not walk.

Several minutes later, the ambulance came and George was sent to a hospital. He is now home, and should have a complete recovery over the next few months.

When did the accident happen?

A.On February 24.

B.On February 25.

C.On January 24.

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