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Who may receive and provide grants of up to $400 annually?A.Program participants who have

Who may receive and provide grants of up to $400 annually?

A.Program participants who have volunteered for more than 50 hours per year.

B.Children's sports teams that are building community leagues.

C.Handicapped children who want to go to college.

D.Corporations that have donated more than $100,000.

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更多“Who may receive and provide gr…”相关的问题
It is on May 15 every year______income taxes are due, which all people who receive an inco
me must pay.





Bright children who are often physically very active may receive more parental attention i
n order to ______.

A.They can't immediately get back the money paid for their medical cost.B.They have to

A.They can't immediately get back the money paid for their medical cost.

B.They have to go through very complicated application procedures.

C.They can only visit doctors who speak their native languages.

D.They may not be able to receive timely medical treatment.

What can be implied from the research?A.A person whose parents have got eating disorder ma

What can be implied from the research?

A.A person whose parents have got eating disorder may overeat.

B.A person who overeats has to receive a therapy.

C.Special cells have to be changed to cure eating disorder.

D.It doesn"t matter if we overeat something low in calorie.

A.They cant immediately get back the money paidfor their medical cost.B.They have

A.They cant immediately get back the money paidfor their medical cost.

B.They have to go through very complicatedapplication procedures.

C.They can only visit doctors who speak theirnative languages.

D.They may not be able to receive timely medicaltreatment.

听力原文:Good morning, students. The school bulletin lists this course as a required writi

听力原文: Good morning, students. The school bulletin lists this course as a required writing course for second-year students. This does not mean the first-year or third-year students may not take it. What it means is that those of you who have never learned how to write a re search paper are to be here, and those of you who already know how should leave immediate ly and sign up for another English course. I hope to cover the entire process of writing a re search paper from selecting a topic to putting together the final format and presentation. I'll be here to help you every step of the way. But it is your responsibility to hand in each assignment on time. Your final grade will be the grade you receive on your paper.

Who was the speaker?

A.A librarian.

B.A professor.

C.A researcher.

?Read the article below about common stock and preferred stock.?For each question 13-18, m

?Read the article below about common stock and preferred stock.

?For each question 13-18, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet, for the answer you choose.

Common Stock and Preferred Stock

A public corporation issues certificates of ownership, called common stock, that may be traded on stock exchanges. Anyone can buy and sell shares of common stock. Owners of stock are referred to as shareholders and stockholders. Common stockholders are accorded certain rights by the corporate charter. In the United States, these rights vary from state to state, but in general the articles of incorporation spell out voting rights and rights to receive profits.

Common stockholders are the voting owners of a corporation. They are usually entitled to one vote per share. They may vote on numerous decisions affecting the corporation (including a derision to sell or merge with another corporation) and elect a board of directors, who, in turn, hire managers to run the business. A majority shareholder is one who owns over 50 percent of the outstanding (issued) shares in a corporation and, thus, can call the shots. All other shareholders are minority shareholders. In large corporations no single person or organization owns anywhere near a majority interest. In large, publicly owned corporations a shareholder with as little as 10 percent of the shares may control the corporation effectively. If things go badly, a coalition of so called dissident shareholders may gather enough votes to replace the existing board of directors; the new hoard may fire the existing management and bring in their own management team.

Although common stock represents ownership in a company, it does not guarantee the owners a specific rate of return. As owners, the stockholders receive profits after all expenses, including debts and taxes, have been paid. They receive profits from the business in the form. of dividend payments, which represent a percent-age of profits. Not all after-tax profits are paid to the stockholders in dividends. Directors usually deride quarterly how much, if any, of the profits they wish to distribute to the owners. The profits are either distributed to the owners in dividends or they are reinvested back into the company in the form. of retained earnings. If the company decides to keep the profits, the company may become more valuable and the price of the stock usually goes up. Some investors prefer profits in the way of dividends while others speculate for an increase in the price of stock. If a company goes broken, common stockholders get last claim on whatever is left over.

Corporations may also issue preferred stock to investors. Preferred stock usually has no vote in the election of the bard of directors, but does get preference in the distribution of the company's earnings. It offers investors a different type of security and may be issued only after common stock has been issued. The term "preferred" applies to two conditions. First, preferred stockholders gain preferential treatment in the matter of dividends; that is, they receive a fixed rate of dividends prior to the payment of dividends on common shares. Second, if the company goes out of business or liquidates, pregerred stockholders are closer to the front of the line than common stockholders! when distributing the company's assets.

Dividends to preferred stock may be cumulative or noncumulative. Cumulative preferred stock maintains its claim to dividends even if the company decides not to pay them. For instance, if the company had a bad year in 1994, they might decide not to pay dividends. But if they had a good year in 1995. noncumulative preferred stock dividends do not accumulate. If dividends are not declared, noncumulative owners lose their claim to the profit of tha

A.the voting rights the stockholders have

B.the stock shared by common people

C.the profits the shareholders receive

D.the ownership of a public corporation

September 14, 2010Lincoln District Court12 Johnson LaneCentral City, Missouri 63112Dear Ms

September 14, 2010

Lincoln District Court

12 Johnson Lane

Central City, Missouri 63112

Dear Ms. Ortega,

The Lincoln District Court summons you for jury duty from the week beginning October 27. In accordance with state laws, your name has been chosen (87) random from a list of citizens.

Serving on a jury is an important civic responsibility that all citizens may be asked to take part in.

If for any reason you are (88) at this time, you must apply for a formal waiver. Valid reasons for waivers may include unavoidable work responsibilities, health problems, or essential caregiving work. Citizens who wish to apply for a waiver must get the appropriate documentation signed by their employer, medical practitioner, or social worker. The required (89) have been enclosed with this letter.

Citizens who fail to show up for jury duty and have not received an official waiver will receive a $50 fine.


Christine Turner

Jury Officer — Lincoln District Court






Although most of us believe that we communicate almost exclusively with words, research ha
s shown that nonverbal communication is at least as important. Gestures and tone of voice are important cues in determining others' responses to us. Individuals who are not aware of information conveyed nonverbally are at a social disadvantage. In fact, children who fail to "read" such messages tend to be unpopular and underachievers. Children who are overeager or speak loudly, for example, may offend other children, or adults. When they fail to adjust their behavior. on the basis of others' responses, they aggravate the situation.

Adults may offend their peers also by their inattention to nonverbal responses. The sense of personal space varies among individuals and cultures. The salesman who puts his arm around the shoulder of a prospective buyer should realize the possible consequences of his gesture. Physical contact conveys sense of intimacy that the relationship may or may not warrant. Standing very close to someone during a face-to-face conversation may produce a negative reaction. In fact, you may observe the person back away.

Practice and traditions are more permissive in some cultures than in ours. In most situations, those people of power often take or receive more space. Think of the teacher whose large desk is surrounded by more space than the students' smaller desks.

Tone of voice also conveys messages and emotions. "Beautiful" may be used to describe bouquet of roses or a black eye, but the tone of voice will not be the same. "Thanks a lot" can be said with genuine gratitude or with sarcasm.

Dog trainers report that dogs respond to tone of voice than to the particular words that are said. Dogs are often praised in a consistent tone of voice that may be slightly high-pitched and somewhat singsong. They will respond to this tone of voice with wagging tails even if the words don't match.

The main point of the article is that

A.dogs and humans communicate the same way.

B.gestures and tone of voice convey a great deal of information.

C.our system of communication is changing rapidly.

D.only human beings are capable of verbal communication.

?Read the article below about Common Stock and Preferred Stock and the questions.?For each

?Read the article below about Common Stock and Preferred Stock and the questions.

?For each question 13~18,mark one letter A, B, C or D on your Answer Sheet.

Common Stock and Preferred Stock

A public corporation issues certificates of ownership, called common stock, which may be traded on stock ex changes. Anyone can buy and sell shares of common stock. Owners of stock are referred to as shareholders and stockholders. Common stockholders are accorded certain rights by the corporate charter. In the United States, these rights vary from state to state, but in general the articles of incorporation spell out voting rights and rights to receive profits.

Common stockholders are the voting owners of a Corporation. They are usually entitled to one vote per share. They may vote on numerous affecting the corporation (including a decision to sell or merge with anther corporation) and elect a board of directors, who, in turn, hire managers to run the business. A majority shareholder is one who owns over 50 percent of the outstanding shares in a corporation and, thus, can call the shots. All other shareholders are minority shareholders. In large corporations no single person or organization owns anywhere near a majority interest. In large, publicly owned corporations a shareholder with as little as 10 percent of the shares may control the corporation effectively. If things go badly, a coalition of so called dissident shareholders may gather enough votes to replace the existing board of directors; the new board may fire the existing management and bring in their own management team.

Although common stock represents ownership in a company, it does not guarantee the owners a specified rate of return. As owners, the stockholders receive profits after all expenses, including debts and taxes, have been paid. They receive profits from the business in the form. of dividend payments, which represent a percentage of profits. Not all after-tax profits are paid to the stockholders in dividends. Directors usually decide quarterly how much, if any, if the profits they wish to distributed to the owners. The profits are either distributed to the owners in dividends or they are reinvested bank into the company in the form. of retained earnings. If the company decides to keep the profits, the company may become more valuable and the price of the stock usually goes up. Some investors prefer profits in the way of dividends while others speculate for an increase in the price of stock. If a company goes broke, common stockholders get last claim on whatever is left over.

Corporations may also issue preferred stock to investors. Preferred stock usually has no vote in the election of the board of directors, but does get preference in the distribution of the company's earnings. It offers investors a different type of security and may be issued only after common stock had been issued. The term "preferred" applies to two conditions. First, preferred stockholders gain preferential treatment in the matter of dividends) That is, they receive a fixed fete of dividends prior to the payment of dividends on common shares. Second, if the company goes out of business or liquidates, preferred stockholders are closer to the front of the line than common stockholders when distributing the company's assets.

Dividends to preferred stock may be cumulative or noncumulative. Cumulative preferred stock maintained its claim to dividends even if the company had a bad year in 1994, they might decide not to pay dividends. But if they had a good year in 1995, and declared stock dividends do not accumulate, If dividends are not declared, noncumulative owners lose their claim to the profit of that period.

All in all, common stock usually has more control through voting privileges, greater chance for high ret

A.the returns to common stockholders

B.the majority and minority stockholders

C.the voting rights of common stockholders

D.the formation of common stock

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