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A.When I saw Packer for the first, he told me a lot about himself.B.Packer had been ve

A.When I saw Packer for the first, he told me a lot about himself.

B.Packer had been very successful when I saw him for the second time.

C.It had taken 26 years to build Fariburn.

D.The journey in plane was rather interesting.

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更多“A.When I saw Packer for the fi…”相关的问题
听力原文:I went to Fariburn in 1948, it took me twenty hours by bus. I sat by a fellow abo

听力原文: I went to Fariburn in 1948, it took me twenty hours by bus. I sat by a fellow about my own age, 24. He told me his name was Karl Packer, but he told me hardly anything else.

He disappointed me because he had so little to say. No opinions, no memories, no tales to tell. Had his home, education, the war and so on left no mark on him at all? It was very puzzling.

The next time I went to Fariburn was in 1974. By plane of course. The President was going to "open" the new town, which had taken 26 years to build. I sat next to a man of about fifty, whose face was a book.

The face was brown and lined. There were lines of worry and of fear perhaps. But over them I saw success and power. I guessed he was the boss of something. Perhaps he hadn't expected the big job or hadn't wanted it. He had done it well, no doubt. The thing had clearly taught him the power of decision, command. We started to talk...

The next two hours were for me the most interesting, even exciting. He kept me silent, open- mouthed with wonder.

Our plane landed at Fariburn, I shook his hand and thanked him for making the journey so pleasant. I mentioned my name.

"The pleasure was mine," he said "! was chief engineer here at Fairburn until last year. I built the new town. Karl Packer is the name. Haven't we met before somewhere?"






Could you tell me ______?A.when did you saw himB.when you saw himC.when did you see him

Could you tell me ______?

A.when did you saw him

B.when you saw him

C.when did you see him

Peter could not believe his eyes______he saw old Jimmy dancing.A.whenB.sinceC.if

Peter could not believe his eyes______he saw old Jimmy dancing.




Many Europeans thought African women were not well treated ______.A.when they found many A

Many Europeans thought African women were not well treated ______.

A.when they found many African men had more than one wife

B.because they had no freedom

C.because they were made to do everything in the houses

D.before they saw African marriage situations

A.When he saw a lot of people come to the exhibition.B.When he found one of his son's

A.When he saw a lot of people come to the exhibition.

B.When he found one of his son's paintings had been hung up by mistake.

C.When he was told one picture especially attracted attention

D.When Green told him that everything had gone off very well.

Teaching Manners in a Mannerless WorldWith manners in U.S. society at what some consider a

Teaching Manners in a Mannerless World

With manners in U.S. society at what some consider an all-time low, author and psychologist Dr. Alex J. Packer has written a humorous etiquette guide for teenagers that offers real-life lessons and explains the value of manners, including classroom etiquette commandments for students and teachers. Dr. Packer graciously took time to talk with Education World about his book, and why teachers and other adults need to discuss and model good manners.

Education World: What prompted you to write this book?

Dr. Alex Packer: I was inspired to write How Rude! by countless ill-mannered, oblivious (遗忘的), self-centered adults who reminded me on a daily basis that we don't need another generation like that. And on those rare occasions during the writing process when motivation flagged, I just went for a walk so that I could be run over by a skateboarder, elbowed off a sidewalk, or snarled at by a sales clerk.

Up until How Rude! etiquette books for teenagers were, in my opinion, preachy (受唠叨 ), condescending(谦逊的), and rather removed from the real lives of young people. It almost seemed as if the people writing them didn't like kids! These books told you how to curtsy if you met the Queen, but not how to survive in the lunchroom or the locker room. Since adults had dropped the ball in teaching manners, I decided to Write a book for teens that would provide helpful, relevant advice, and be fun, funny, and interesting to read.

EW: How would: you assess the current climate in society regarding manners and etiquette?

Dr. Packer: Society is experiencing a manners meltdown. We see this on the macro(巨大的) level, where our own government behaves like the school bully, running roughshod over the rights, privacy, and property of others. We see it in reality television, where humiliation is served up as entertainment. And we see it on a daily basis in our own lives with basic courtesies becoming an extinct species. Nonetheless, I think it's important to recognize that many teens have beautiful manners and are responsible and respectful.

EW: What are some of the best ways to convince teenagers of the value of good manners?

Dr. Packer: Teens need to recognize that the values underlying good manners -respect, consideration, empathy(执著)--are important in and of themselves. Good manners are the first line of defense against daily irritations, conflict, and even violence. Behaving responsibly, acting with kindness, and caring about others is the moral and ethical high road. While teens should be polite because it's the "fight" way to live, there's nothing wrong with acknowledging that good manners are good for them!

Good manners are impressive, attractive, and increasingly hard to find. Teens with good manners come out on top. Well-behaved kids stand out in a crowd, and are more likely to get what they want out of life. The polite bird gets the worm, and kids with savoir-faire (处世能力) know how to make others feel good. And people who feel good are more likely to give you a job, agree to your requests, and enjoy your company. Knowing how to act in all kinds of situations breeds confidence, which helps to keep you cool, calm, and collected in the face of stressful events and interactions.

A good example of the beneficial nature of good manners would be writing thank-you notes. One reason teens have such a hard time doing this is because they start out with the wrong attitude. They think of it as a chore rather than an opportunity. Enthusiastic words of appreciation not only convey proper gratitude, but increase the likelihood that the person who gave you this present will give you another one!

EW: How can teachers use this book in their classrooms?

Dr. Packer: The ways in which How .Rude I can be used in the classroom are virtually limitless. Since




听力原文:W: Hey, Joe, what is all this talk about the benefit walkathon this weekend?M: Do

听力原文:W: Hey, Joe, what is all this talk about the benefit walkathon this weekend?

M: Don't you know, most of the residents in Packer Hall are going to try to walk the seven miles from the engineering library, across campus and down to city hall, in an effort to raise money for the new children's hospital.

W: Sounds like a good idea. But I don't understand where the money comes from.

M: Well, a few days before the walkathon, each participant goes around asking people to pledge just a certain amount of money for each mile that he or she expects to walk in the event. Then after the walkathon's over, the participants go back to those same people, collect the money pledged and send it into the hospital.

W: So you mean if someone pledges, say, a dollar a mile, and you walk five miles, you get five dollars?

M: That's right. Of course, most of my friends aren't such big spenders, the biggest pledge I've gotten so far is 25 cents a mile.

W: And how many people have made pledges for you?

M: Eleven so far. Say, how about making it an even dozen?

W: Sure, if you do the same for me. The walkathon sounds like a perfect opportunity for me to break in my new pair of sport shoes.

M: You are definitely warm-hearted.

W: You bet. And I ten you, I am also a good walker.

M: Hope to see you in the walkathon.

W: I will be there.

Who are going to be in the walkathon?


A.Hospital staff only.

B.Many Packer Hall residents.

C.Many officials.

D.The art students.

I really don't know ______.A.when startedB.when to startC.when start

I really don't know ______.

A.when started

B.when to start

C.when start

May I leave now?A.When we've finished.B.Until tomorrow.C.I don't agree.

May I leave now?

A.When we've finished.

B.Until tomorrow.

C.I don't agree.

I was listening to the music ______ there was a knock at the door.A.whenB.whileC.because

I was listening to the music ______ there was a knock at the door.




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