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Teaching Manners in a Mannerless WorldWith manners in U.S. society at what some consider a

Teaching Manners in a Mannerless World

With manners in U.S. society at what some consider an all-time low, author and psychologist Dr. Alex J. Packer has written a humorous etiquette guide for teenagers that offers real-life lessons and explains the value of manners, including classroom etiquette commandments for students and teachers. Dr. Packer graciously took time to talk with Education World about his book, and why teachers and other adults need to discuss and model good manners.

Education World: What prompted you to write this book?

Dr. Alex Packer: I was inspired to write How Rude! by countless ill-mannered, oblivious (遗忘的), self-centered adults who reminded me on a daily basis that we don't need another generation like that. And on those rare occasions during the writing process when motivation flagged, I just went for a walk so that I could be run over by a skateboarder, elbowed off a sidewalk, or snarled at by a sales clerk.

Up until How Rude! etiquette books for teenagers were, in my opinion, preachy (受唠叨 ), condescending(谦逊的), and rather removed from the real lives of young people. It almost seemed as if the people writing them didn't like kids! These books told you how to curtsy if you met the Queen, but not how to survive in the lunchroom or the locker room. Since adults had dropped the ball in teaching manners, I decided to Write a book for teens that would provide helpful, relevant advice, and be fun, funny, and interesting to read.

EW: How would: you assess the current climate in society regarding manners and etiquette?

Dr. Packer: Society is experiencing a manners meltdown. We see this on the macro(巨大的) level, where our own government behaves like the school bully, running roughshod over the rights, privacy, and property of others. We see it in reality television, where humiliation is served up as entertainment. And we see it on a daily basis in our own lives with basic courtesies becoming an extinct species. Nonetheless, I think it's important to recognize that many teens have beautiful manners and are responsible and respectful.

EW: What are some of the best ways to convince teenagers of the value of good manners?

Dr. Packer: Teens need to recognize that the values underlying good manners -respect, consideration, empathy(执著)--are important in and of themselves. Good manners are the first line of defense against daily irritations, conflict, and even violence. Behaving responsibly, acting with kindness, and caring about others is the moral and ethical high road. While teens should be polite because it's the "fight" way to live, there's nothing wrong with acknowledging that good manners are good for them!

Good manners are impressive, attractive, and increasingly hard to find. Teens with good manners come out on top. Well-behaved kids stand out in a crowd, and are more likely to get what they want out of life. The polite bird gets the worm, and kids with savoir-faire (处世能力) know how to make others feel good. And people who feel good are more likely to give you a job, agree to your requests, and enjoy your company. Knowing how to act in all kinds of situations breeds confidence, which helps to keep you cool, calm, and collected in the face of stressful events and interactions.

A good example of the beneficial nature of good manners would be writing thank-you notes. One reason teens have such a hard time doing this is because they start out with the wrong attitude. They think of it as a chore rather than an opportunity. Enthusiastic words of appreciation not only convey proper gratitude, but increase the likelihood that the person who gave you this present will give you another one!

EW: How can teachers use this book in their classrooms?

Dr. Packer: The ways in which How .Rude I can be used in the classroom are virtually limitless. Since




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请根据短文内容,回答题。 Teaching Is "One of the Least Popular Jobs in the UK"(1)


Teaching Is "One of the Least Popular Jobs in the UK"

(1) The UK government has just published a report on the future of secondary-school teaching (pupils aged 11-16), and the conclusion of the report is that many secondary schools now face great difficulties in finding people who want to be teachers, Since the 1980s, the number of graduates who say they would "seriously consider" teaching as a career has fallen sharply,from 64% in 1982 to just 17% today. The report suggests that urgent action needs to be taken in order to encourage more intelligent young graduates into teaching.<br>

(2) The main drawback of secondary teaching according to the report, is the low salary. Earnings in teaching are much lower than in many other jobs, and this means that fewer and fewer young people decide to be teachers. Joanne Manners,24, is a good example: "I graduated in maths last year, and I was thinking of doing a teacher-training course to become a maths teacher -- but when I looked into the details, it became clear that teaching isn&39;t very lucrative(赚钱的) job these days. I saw I could earn twice as much if I worked in marketing or advertising, and so I decided not to become a teacher."<br>

(3) It&39;s not just about the money, however. The survey concluded that another reason why people don&39;t want to be teachers is that some teenagers behave very badly in school. A lot of schools have problems with discipline, and it seems clear that children do not have the same respect for teachers as in the past. Here&39;s the view of Dave Hallam, an account from London, "I think parents are to blame. They should have stricter rules with their children at home and also teach their children to have more respect for teachers,"<br>

(4)"I love teaching; it&39;s my passion. I&39;ve been a secondary-school teacher of Spanish for ten years now, and although it&39;s a very demanding job, it&39;s very satisfying. When I see my students passing their Spanish exams, or singing along to Spanish pop songs, it makes me feel so proud," says Brian Jones, who works in a secondary school in London. So what does he think the government should reduce the burden of work on teachers, "I find that I always have too much work to do."<br>

(5) The report is clear that the problem of teacher shortage is a very serious one. It says that the government should raise teachers&39; pay significantly, to catch up with workers in other professions. It also suggests that the government could launch a nationwide publicity campaign, with some advertisements on TV and in the newspapers, to show the positive sides of teaching to young people. Another solution could be set a maximum number hours per week that teachers can work, in order to reduce stress on teachers. "Hopefully," the report concludes, "these solutions can improve the poor image of secondary teaching, and increase the number of young people who want to become teachers in the future."

Paragraph 1 __________ 查看材料

A.Students" bad behavior. and lack of discipline

B.Improvement of children behavior

C.Heavy workload on teachers

D.The problem of low salary

E.A report on teacher shortage

F.A nationwide publicity campaign

All the wisdom of the ages, all the stories that have delighted mankind for centuries, are
easily and cheaply【C1】______to all of us within the covers of books—but we must know how to avail our selves【C2】______this treasure and how to get【C3】______from it. The most【C4】______people all over the world, are【C5】______who have never discovered how【C6】______it is to read good books.

I am very interested in people, in meeting them and【C7】______about them. Some of the most【C8】______people I've met existed only in a writer's imagination, then【C9】______the pages of his book, and then, again, in my imagination. I've found in books new friends, new societies, new worlds.

If I am interested in people, others are interested not so much in who【C10】______in how. Who in the books includes【C11】______from sciencefiction superman two hundred centuries in the future all the way back to the first【C12】______in history; how【C13】______everything from the ingenious(巧妙的)explanations of Sherlock Folmes【C14】______the discoveries of science and ways of teaching manners to children.

Reading can make our minds feel pleased,【C15】______means that it is a little like a sport: your eagerness and knowledge and quickness【C16】______you a good reader. Reading is【C17】______, not because the writer is telling you something,【C18】______because it makes your mind work. Your own imagination works together with the【C19】______or even goes beyond his. Your experience,【C20】______his, brings you to the same or different conclusions, and your ideas develop as you understand his.






shaking hands manners英译中
It is bad manners to ______people when they are speaking.A.interviewB.intimateC.interfereD

It is bad manners to ______people when they are speaking.





n. 【常 pl.】航空公司()




Table manners troubled her____the presence of all the guests.





________good manners to eat quietly.

A.It is

B.They are

C.He is

D.This is

It is bad manners to interrupt.(英译中)

Simon Fanshawe presents different people's opinions on British manners becauseA.he wants t

Simon Fanshawe presents different people's opinions on British manners because

A.he wants to let the audience know how people think of manners

B.he proves that the issue of manners is a question of individual taste

C.he thinks how people think of social manners should be diversified

D.he hopes to bring the attention of the audience to the public opinion

As ______ clear from his manners, he is a teacher.A.beingB.isC.to beD.been

As ______ clear from his manners, he is a teacher.



C.to be


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