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听力原文:M: Here we are. Brochures for one day excursions.W: Mm. A riverboat trip. That lo

听力原文:M: Here we are. Brochures for one day excursions.

W: Mm. A riverboat trip. That looks interesting.

M: Yeah. It does. Where does it go? And how do we get to the river?

W: It says to go by bus to the river. That costs $ 5 per person each way. Then the boat gees along the river for 4 hours. And we can get a meal on the boat.

M: How much does it cost altogether?

W: Well, the boat trip costs $ 20 and the meal is extra if we want it. I suppose it's a hit expensive -- $ 30 each altogether, and that's not counting the food and drinks.

M: Yes. It would be relaxing but it is a bit expensive.

W: You're right. What about horse riding or cycling? Can you ride a horse?

M: Not very well. I've only ridden a horse twice in my life. How much does it cost?

W: Let me see. Horse riding is a bit expensive too -- $ 30 for 2 hours. And we'd have to go there by bus. And that would be an extra cost.

M: Er, what about cycling? That shouldn't be tm expensive. Here we are, err, mountain bikes for hire. $ 30 a day. But $ 20 of that is a deposit and you can get it back when you return the bike. I wonder how far away the cycle hire place is.

W: No. It's not far at all. I'll show you...

M: That's terrific. Cycling looks the best, doesn't it? That should give us enough exercise. And we can take our own lunch and have a picnic. Now all we have to do is to decide which direction to cycle in.

W: Great. Let's go. We can talk about that while we're walking to the hire place.






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更多“听力原文:M: Here we are. Brochures…”相关的问题
听力原文:M: Could we have the bill, please?F: Of course. Here you are.M: Thanks. ...(Gulp)

听力原文:M: Could we have the bill, please?

F: Of course. Here you are.

M: Thanks. ... (Gulp) Oh, well, money is no object when it comes to birthdays!

F: I agree-birthdays should be special.

M: I'm glad you said that. Have I mentioned that it's my birthday next week?

Where does this conversation most probably take place?

A.In a restaurant.

B.At a birthday party.

C.At home.

听力原文:W: I'd like to place an ad. Is there a form. I should fill out?M: Yes. Here you a

听力原文:W: I'd like to place an ad. Is there a form. I should fill out?

M: Yes. Here you are. Please use block capitals and check that there are no spelling mistakes, because we print the ad as you write it.

Q: What can we infer from the conversation?


A.The woman wants to sell something.

B.The newspaper doesn't care what people want to advertise.

C.The ad will be published immediately.

D.The newspaper workers will not change the spelling of any words in the ad.

听力原文:M: Well then, you might like to consider a package tour to England.W: I've never

听力原文:M: Well then, you might like to consider a package tour to England.

W: I've never been on a package tour before.

M: They are very convenient. We'll arrange everything for you.

W: I see. Do you have some literature I can look at.

M: Sure, here you are.

What are they talking about?

A.A study plan.

B.Parcel delivery.

C.A travel program.

D.English literature.

听力原文:M: Do you happen to have any stamps in your place?W: Yes, I have some. What stamp

听力原文:M: Do you happen to have any stamps in your place?

W: Yes, I have some. What stamps do you want?

M: Four fifties and tens

W: I don't think I have that many. But I have an idea, why not use our school's envelopes? Here you are.

M: What is the difference? We still need to buy stamps.

W: No, look here, Postage Paid.

M: That's great. You are a big help.

What stamps does the man want?

A.Four fifties.

B.Four tens.

C.Four fifties and tens.

听力原文:M: Excuse me, how much does an ice cream cost?W: Two yuan. And how many do you wa

听力原文:M: Excuse me, how much does an ice cream cost?

W: Two yuan. And how many do you want?

M: Two, please.

W: Anything else you want to buy?

M: Oh, yes, I still want some bread. A piece of bread, please.

W: Here you are. 1.5 yuan a piece.

M: By the way, do you have any fruit here, such as apples or oranges?

W: I'm sorry we haven't got any.

M: All right. Here's the money for you.

W: Thank you.

Where does the dialog take place?

A.At home.

B.At a hotel.

C.In a store.

听力原文:Excuse me, where can I find a computer here?(7)A.Here we are.B.Yes, you can.C.In

听力原文:Excuse me, where can I find a computer here?


A.Here we are.

B.Yes, you can.

C.In the next room.

听力原文:M: Mum, what will we have for dinner?W: Maybe fish, chicken soup and what do you

听力原文:M: Mum, what will we have for dinner?

W: Maybe fish, chicken soup and what do you want to eat?

M: Mum, why don't we eat out for a change?

W: Oh, that's a good idea. Actually I'm very tired today.

M: Mm, let's go to KFC this time.

W: Ok, then, you'll drive, won't you?

M: Ok, ok. Ah, here we are. Mum, what would you like to have? I'd like a hamburger.

W: I want one, too. And some desserts and beverages?

M: Yeah, a glass of Pepsi, an ice-cream cone and an apple pie.

W: Ok, you go and find the seats.

Why did Mum agree to go for dinner?

A.Because she was tired today.

B.Because nobody cooked.

C.Because she was bored with the home-made food.

听力原文:W: Can I use your dictionary?M: OK. Here you are. Where are the speakers probably

听力原文:W: Can I use your dictionary?

M: OK. Here you are.

Where are the speakers probably?

A.In a shop.

B.On a bus.

C.At school.

听力原文:M: Mum, what will we have for dinner?W: Maybe fish and chicken soup. What do you

听力原文:M: Mum, what will we have for dinner?

W: Maybe fish and chicken soup. What do you want to eat?

M: Why don't we eat out?

W: That's a good idea. Actually I'm very tired today.

M: What about KFC this time?

W: OK, then, you'll drive, won't you?

M: No problem.

M: Mum, here we are. What would you like to have? I'd like a hamburger.

W: I want one, too. And some desserts and beverages?

M: Yeah, a glass of Pepsi, an ice-cream cone and an apple pie.

W: OK, you go and find the seats first.

Why did the mother agree to go out for dinner?

A.Because she was tired.

B.Because nobody cooked.

C.Because she had no time to cook.

听力原文:M: Five 40-cent stamps, please.F: Here you are. That will be 2 dollars. Where do

听力原文:M: Five 40-cent stamps, please.

F: Here you are. That will be 2 dollars.

Where do you think the woman works?

A.In a shop.

B.In a bank.

C.In a post office.

听力原文:M Hi, I'd like some brochures on tours and events around town, please. Also, coul
d you tell me how to get to the Museum of Modern Art?

W There are some brochures on the wall behind you. And for the museum, you go down this street and take a left. Then take your first right, and you'll see it. Here, let me get a map and mark it for you.

M Thank you very much. Oh, and could we get one more map please?

W Sure, here you are. And could you tell me what countries you two are from for our tourist survey please?

Where does the woman most likely work?

A.At the tax office

B.At a tourism office

C.At the immigration office

D.At a telecommunications office

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