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Problems of InternetThe proportion of works cut for the cinema in Britain dropped from 40

Problems of Internet

The proportion of works cut for the cinema in Britain dropped from 40 per cent when I joined the BBFC in 1975 to less than 4 per cent when I left. But I don’t think that 20 years from now it will be possible to regulate any medium as closely as I regulated film.

The Internet is, of course, the greatest problem for this century. The world will have to find a means, through some sort of international treaty of United Nations initiative, to control the material that’s now going totally unregulated into people’s homes. That said, it will only take one little country like Paraguay to refuse to sign a treaty for transmission to be unstoppable. Parental control is never going to be sufficient.

I’m still very worried about the impact of violent video games, even though researchers say their impact is moderated by the fact that players don’t so much experience the game as enjoy the technical manoeuvres (策略)that enable you to win. But in respect of violence in mainstream films, I’m more optimistic. Quite suddenly, tastes have changed, and it’s no longer Stallone or Schwarzenegger who are the top stars, but Leonardo DiCaprio—that has taken everybody by surprise.

Go through the most successful films in Europe and America now and you will find virtually none that we are violent. Quentin Tarantino didn’t usher in a new, violent generation, and films are becoming much more prosocial than one would have expected.

Cinemagoing will undoubtedly survive. The new multiplexes are a glorious experience, offering perfect Sound and picture and very comfortable seats, thins which had died out in the 1980s. I can’t believe we’ve achieved that only to throw it away in favor of huddling around a 14-inch computer monitor to watch digitally delivered movies at home.

It will become increasingly cheap to make films, with cameras becoming smaller and lighter but remaining very precise. That means greater chances for new talent to emerge, as it will be much easier for people to learn how to be better film-makers. People’s working lives will be shorter in the future, and once retired they will spend a lot of time learning to do things that amuse them—like making videos. Fifty years on we could well be media-saturated as producers as well as audience; instead of writing letters, one will send little home movies entitled My Week. =

Which of the following about Internet is true according to the passage? ______

A.The Internet is the greatest progress for this century.

B.Efforts are needed to control Internet.

C.Paraguay refused to sign a treaty for transmission.

D.The United Nations has found ways to prevent Internet from developing.

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What is mainly discussed in the text?A.The on-line information for school teaching.B.Some

What is mainly discussed in the text?

A.The on-line information for school teaching.

B.Some problems of the Internet use.

C.Who is responsible for the Internet safety.

D.How to evaluate the on-line resources.

What is mainly discussed in the text?A.The on line information for school teaching.B.Some

What is mainly discussed in the text?

A.The on line information for school teaching.

B.Some problems of the Internet use.

C.Who is responsible for the Internet safety.

D.How to evaluate the on-line resources.

What is mainly discussed in the text?A.The online information for school teaching.B.Some p

What is mainly discussed in the text?

A.The online information for school teaching.

B.Some problems of the Internet use.

C.Who is responsible for the Internet safety.

D.How to evaluate the online resources.

What is mainly discussed in the text? A.The on-line information for school tea

What is mainly discussed in the text?

A.The on-line information for school teaching.

B.Some problems of the Internet use.

C.Who is responsible for the Internet safety.

D.How to evaluate the on-line resources.

A.It is time consuming and doesn't provide much information.B.A lot of the information

A.It is time consuming and doesn't provide much information.

B.A lot of the information is in foreign languages.

C.There are not many websites devoted to such a specialist subject.

D.There are no problems with using the Internet as a research tool.

The passage is written to inform. us thatA.TV outweighs the Internet in that the former at

The passage is written to inform. us that

A.TV outweighs the Internet in that the former attracts more audience,

B.the Internet has brought much more social problems than that TV has.

C.TV, the last remaining mass medium, should engage with its audience.

D.other mass media have been defeated by new means of media today.

The best title for the passage could be______.A.Ways to Search War Criminals in the Intern

The best title for the passage could be______.

A.Ways to Search War Criminals in the Internet Age

B.Thoughts and Concerns over the CBSA Program

C.How the Canadian Government Strengthen Its National Security

D.Canada"s Immigration System and Its Problems

What is the advantage of WiMax, according to the news?A.It's the standard infrastructure i

What is the advantage of WiMax, according to the news?

A.It's the standard infrastructure in most big cities in the world.

B.A lot of corporate leaders are willing to Invest in this technology.

C.It can skip connections to the Internet by the DS[, links and cable modems.

D.The technological problems involved can be solved locally.

The mental health of Chinas youngsters is on the decline, with 60 percent of college stude
nts feeling isolated and 80 percent feeling social injustice, a survey has suggested. Those feelings find their expression through irregular behaviors, skipping classes, autism and rebellion, and have also led to psychological problems like Internet addiction and suicide, according to a recent survey released by the China Population Communication Center. What is your opinion? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: My Views on Chinese Students Psychological Problems

What is the main idea of the passage?A.Old people are in great need of improving their com

What is the main idea of the passage?

A.Old people are in great need of improving their computer skills.

B.The gap between those who use Internet and those who don"t is widening.

C.Hackers and privacy problems hinder the development of Internet.

D.The young should help the old grasp the use of Internet.

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