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Since Im not a lawyer, its hard for me to understand legal_____.A.dialectB.accentC.slangD.

Since Im not a lawyer, its hard for me to understand legal_____.





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Nurse: Good moming.it has been three days since your operation of gastrectomy.How are
you feeling?

Client: Im feeling better than yesterday.Besides, I have ()(排气)wind this moming.




D.disable person

听力原文:Woman:Giving me my money back isn't the point. My son needs to practice for an im

听力原文:Woman: Giving me my money back isn't the point. My son needs to practice for an important match, but at the moment his table is lying in bits on the floor. When I bought it, I was assured that it would only take a matter of moments to screw the different parts in place, but the instructions don't make sense. Since I paid so much for it, I think it's only fair to ask for some hands-on help from you in getting it into a usable state. My son is impatient for a game on his new table!

You overhear a woman talking about a table-tennis table in a sports shop. What does she want the shop assistant to do about her table-tennis table?

A.Provide her with a new one.

B.Have it put together for her.

C.Give her the money back.

Im told that during an international game of chess (国际象棋), many beautiful moves couldb

Im told that during an international game of chess (国际象棋), many beautiful moves couldbe made on a chessboard. In a decisive36in which he was evenly matched with a Russianmaster ____ 37____, Marshall found his queen under serious attack. There were several ways of ____ 38____,and since the queen is the most____39____piece, spectators (观众) thought Marshall would naturallymove his queen to ____ 40____ Deep in thought, Marshall used all his time to consider the ____ 41____. He picked up his queen,paused, and placed it down on the most ____ 42 ____ square of all-a square from which the queen couldbe____43____by any one of three enemy pieces. Marshall had sacrificed (牺牲) his queen-an unthinkable move. Everyone else was ____ 44____ Then the Russian, and the____45____, realized that Marshall had actually made a____46____move.It was clear that no matter how the____47____was taken, the Russian. would soon be in a____48____posi-tion. Seeing this, the Russian admitted his defeat. When spectators recovered from the____49____of Marshalls daring, they showered the chessboardwith money. Marshall had achieved____50____in a very unusual and daring fashion-he had____51____bysacrificing the queen. To me, its not____52____that he won. What counts is that Marshall had broken with standard____ 53____to make such a move. He had looked____54____the usual patterns of play and had been willingto consider an imaginative risk on the basis of his judgment and his judgment alone. No matter howthe game ____ 55 ____ , Marshall was the winner. 根据材料请回答下列各 A.experience B.battle C.game D.chance

Towards the end of the 1990s, more than a decade and a half after Diet Coke was first intr
oduced, sale of Coca Colas best-selling low calorie drink appeared , to slow down. However, in the decade that followed, diet sodas grew by more than 30 percent. In 2009, sales pushed above $ 8. 5 billion for the first time. But Americas thirst for Diet Coke is running dry again-and this time it could be for good. The diet soda slowdown isnt merely an American thing—its also happening worldwide. But the future of diet colas is particularly cloudy in the United States. Low calorie sodas are fighting a hard battle against not one but two trends among American consumers. The first is that overall soda consumption has been on the decline since before 2000. Diet sodas, though they might come sugar-and calorie-free, are still sodas, something Americans are proving less and less interested in drinking. The second, and perhaps more significant trend, is a growing mistrust of artificial sweeteners(甜味剂). " Consumers attitudes towards sweeteners have really changed," said Howard Telford, an industry analyst. "Theres a very negative perception about artificial sweeteners. The industry is still trying to get its head around this. " Comment 1 Add me to the number of people addicted to diet colas who quit drinking soda altogether. I honestly think soda is addictive and Im happy not to be drinking it anymore. Comment 2 Perhaps the slowdown has something more to do with the skyrocketing cost of soft drinks. Comment 3 I LOVE diet drinks! Am I unhealthy? Who knows? I guarantee have a better physique than most 43-year-old men. Comment 4 This is a silly and shallow piece. The reason for the fall off is simply the explosion in consumption of bottled waters and energy drinks. Comment 5 As people learn more about health and wellness they will consume less sugar, less soda, less artificial sweeteners.

What do we know about diet soda sale?

A.It began to undergo a gradual drop starting from 2000.

B.It was on the decline since the 1990s but is on the rise now.

C.It reached its peak in the 2000s but began to drop since then.

D.It has been decreasing since the 1990s.

根据材料请回答下列各 I remember clearly the last time I cried. I was twelve years old, in
the seventh grade, and I had tried out for the junior high school basketball team. I walked into the gym; there was a piece of paper on the wall. It was ,a cut list. The boys whose names were on the list were welcome to keep on coming to practices. The boys whose names were not on the list had been cut; their presence (出席 ) was no longer desired. I had not known the cut was coming that day.I stood and stared at the list.The list had not been made with a great deal of consideration;the names of the very best players were at the top,and the other members of the team were listed in what appeared to be a descending(下降)order of basketball skills.I kept looking at the bottom of the list,hoping against hope that my name would appear if I looked hard enough. I held myself together as l walked out,but when I got home I began to cry.For the first time in my life.I had been told officially that l wasn’t good enough.Sports meant everything to boys that age;if you were on the team,it put you in the desirable group.If you were not,you might as well not be alive. All these years later,I remember it as if l were still standing right there in the gym.I don’tknow how the mind works in matters like this;I don’t know what went on in my head following that day of cut.But I know that my determination has been so strong ever since then;I know that for all of my life since that day.I have done more work than I had to be doin9,put in more hours than I had to be spending.I don’t know if all of that came from a determination never to allow my’self to be cui again--never to allow someone to tell me that Im not good enough again--but I know it’s there.And clearly it’s there in a lot of other successful men too… From the text we learn that the cut list had names of pupils__________.

A.who were still in the team

B.who were the old players

C.who were hard—working

D.who were too young to play

听力原文:W: I often read two newspapers. Washington Post and The Sun. What about you? M:
I will buy the newspaper whose headlines catch my eyes in the front page. Do you buy the two newspapers everyday? W: Yes, that way Im sure not to miss my favourite sections. Doesnt the size of the daily paper surprise you? M: Yes, it certainly does. The newspaper staff— the reporters, writers, editors, and linotype operators — must be busy continuously. They need a large circulation to support such a staff, dont they? W: Im sure they do. Of course, much of a newspapers income comes from advertisements. M: Thats true. You try to read the whole paper, dont you? W: No. I just read the parts that interest me. I glance at the headlines, but I read the sports page and the business section carefully. Do you read those? M: No, but I do read the editorials and the news section. You saw the article about the earthquake in Japan, didnt you? W: Yes. That was a terrible disaster. Do you think newspapers should print stories like that? M: Certainly they should! Theyre part of the news of the day and people want to know about them. Dont you agree? W: Yes, I suppose disasters are news, too. It seems to me that newspapers would be more pleasant to read if they had a large society section and more comic strips. Dont you like to read articles about celebrations and happy events? M: Yes, I enjoy reading them. But since you dont like to read unhappy news, why do you subscribe to two newspapers? If I were you, I wouldnt read a newspaper at all. Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 9. What sort of newspaper will the man buy? 10. What surprises the speakers? 11. Which part of the newspaper does the woman usually read? 12. Why doesnt the woman enjoy reading about disasters in the daily newspaper?9.

A.The size of the daily newspaper.

B.The staff of the daily newspaper.

C.The circulation of the daily newspaper.

D.The advertisements in the daily newspaper.

听力原文:M: Honey, the basketball game is about to start. And would you bring some chips,
ice cream, and a piece of pizza from the refrigerator? W: No problem. Anything else? M: No, thats enough for now. Hey, our company is organizing a basketball team, and Im thinking about joining. What do you think? W: Humph! M: "Humph!" What do you mean by "Humph"? I was the starplayer in the university. With my help, our team once won the state championship five times in a row. W: Yeah, but that was some fifteen years ago. Look, I just dont want you to have a heart attack, running up and down the court. M: So, what are you suggesting? Should I just give up the idea? Im not that out of shape. W: You are not that out of shape? It has been at least 5 years since you played last. You ought to have a physical examination before you begin. M: Well, OK, Ill follow your advice. But dont fuss too much about my health. At least I had kept training for more than 15 years before graduating. W: Once you stopped exercises for some time, you should be careful when you plan to resume. Besides, you need to watch your diet and eat less fatty foods, like ice cream. You should try eating more fresh fruits and vegetables. Dont you think you are not as fit as before? M: Oh, yeah, youre probably right. From today on, all ice cream in our refrigerator belongs to you. I will never touch it. W: Good! And you should take up a little weight training to strengthen your muscles. M: Weight training? Come on! Is there anything else? W: Oh, you need to go to bed early instead of watching TV till midnight. M: Hey, youre starting to sound like my mother. W: No, I just love you, and I want you to be healthy and enjoy life. Questions 13 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 13. Where does the conversation most probably take place? 14. What is the womans attitude towards the mans joining the basketball team? 15. What can we learn about the man from the conversation?13.

A.He should stay at home watching TV.

B.He shouldn"t join the basketball team unless he had a physical exam.

C.He should pay attention to his diet and health.

D.He shouldn"t boast about his role in the university.

As I type these lines, my daughter, Harriet, who is 14, is on her iPhone skipping among no
fewer than eight social media sites. My son, Penn, who is 15, will be asleep for hours yet. He was【C1】______all night with a friend playing two video games, in a jag fueled by his favorite foodlike【C2】______. I like that my kids are comfortable and alert in the wired world. But increasingly I am【C3】______for them. Its more【C4】______every day that screens have gradually stolen them from themselves. My wife, Cree, and I have【C5】______them to drift quite distantly into the online world, and we fear our casualness has been a【C6】______. Each summer Cree and I resolve to【C7】______things back. This is【C8】______we draft rules for a new school year, strictures like: no laptops in bedrooms during the week; homework before screen time; no electronics after 10 p.m.. These rules invariably begin to【C9】______by Day 3. By Day 4, there is pleading, and the discreet slamming of doors. By Day 8, no one is sure what the【C10】______are anymore. Were back where we started, and plump with fear. This year it【C11】______to me we needed help. So I sat down with a new book that【C12】______assistance, and understanding. It is The Big Disconnect: Protecting Childhood and Family Relationships in the Digital Age, whose primary【C13】______, Catherine Steiner-Adair, is a clinical psychologist who teaches at Harvard Medical School. Her book is【C14】______on thousands of interviews, and it can be eloquent about the need to ration our children s computer time. Here the author has pinned me. I like to think I m a good father, perhaps even casually【C15】______in my better moments,【C16】______there is zero doubt that, without my iPhone in my palm, I feel I lose something since Im fairly【C17】______. I must change my life a bit. Cree and I are still hammering out our kids computer rules. We are trying to【C18】______in mind that we re not our kids best friends; we re their【C19】______. And we are【C20】______if theres an app for fortitude.






Bring Your Children to Our Memorable Exhibition MacBride Natural Science Museum If you s
ee ants simply as nuisance insects that invade your sandwiches on picnics, while bees hover over your Coke can, stop a moment and reconsider. This summer, children and parents can enjoy our several new events, including feeding insects, planting trees, searching for local insects, and walking through the woods with our guides, as well as our Saturday evening complimentary 3D movie. As in previous years, the dinosaur exhibition will showcase our newly discovered dinosaur bones just next to the insect exhibition. And starting in July, we will hold classes on natural scenery oil paintings on Wednesdays at noon. Our expert instructors will demonstrate how to draw paintings for local elementary students. Seasonal Hours: June 20 - September 25 Monday - Wednesday: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Thursday - Saturday: 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. Sunday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. For more information, please visit us on the internet at www.macbridensm.com. To: Rebecca Brown<rbrown@mxfood.com> From: Naomi Peterson<npeterson@mxfood.com> Date: September 5 5: 00 p.m. Re: Exhibition Dear Ms. Brown, My son and I had a great time yesterday at the museum you recommended. Thank you very much for sending me the brochure. The weather was gloomy but it was no problem since we were comfortable inside the building. I was surprised by the exhibition displaying thousands of insects. Ive never seen so many insects in my life. My son is a big fan of dinosaurs. He was pleased to see the new displays. He and I went through the woods and the guide was incredibly knowledgeable. Without a doubt, that was my favorite part of the day. I think you were right to recommend this trip. I never thought such a beautiful place was so close to where we live. We had a pleasant time in the building. Then, we decided to stay and see the 3D movie until closing. Im so sorry that you had to miss this outing. I hope next time we can arrange for both of our families to go together. Thanks again for introducing this to me. Sincerely, Naomi Peterson

What is the purpose of the brochure?

A.To register for the upcoming exhibition

B.To request a donation to charity

C.To give information on a tourist attraction

D.To advertise a dinosaur toy

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